Portland United for Change
Campaign Status: Victory
Portland will become the largest city in the country to use Proportional Ranked Choice Voting (RCV). Ballot Measure 26-228 passed in the 2022 midterms elections, updating the city charter to improve representation and accountability in government. Over 100 Portland business leaders, political science experts, labor unions and community and neighborhood groups came together to say yes to Ballot Measure 26-228. Now we, along with the in-state leaders Portland United for Change, are celebrating that voters overwhelmingly agreed.
The Policy
Ballot Measure 26-228 will allow voters to rank candidates in order of preference on the ballot, establish city council districts so that Portland’s elected officials are accountable to their communities, and make government more effective and transparent through professional city management.
The City of Portland has used the same governing structure for over 100 years despite massive population and demographic changes. This year, the voters of Portland will have the opportunity to vote on a measure to improve and modernize the city’s governing charter, including a move to using proportional ranked choice voting, as well as an increase to the size of city council and the creation of new geographic districts. This package of reforms is the result of a two year citizen-led, collaborative and research-backed process led by a diverse coalition of members of the Portland community. Its passage will ensure that all Portlanders have a government that is truly representative of and accountable to the people.
Who’s Involved?
Portland United for Change is leading a coalition to pass meaningful and comprehensive change to Portland’s government with help from NextUp Oregon, Coalition of Communities of Color, More Equitable Democracy Action, RepresentUs, the League of Women Voters and others.
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The Common Wealth is a community of people across the country who have made a commitment to building a democracy that works for everyone. By making a generous gift each month, they directly support the fight to fix our broken political system: city by city, state by state.
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Campaign Milestones
Nov 2022
Portland voters pass Ranked Choice Voting for city elections.
Aug 2022
The proposed changes survive a legal challenge brought forth by the Portland Business Alliance. Multnomah County Circuit Court Judge Stephen Bushong ruled that the proposed reforms could appear on November’s ballot as a single question.
Jun 2022
Portland’s 20-member Charter Review Commission proposes changes to Portland’s form of government. 17 of the 20 commissioners voted to push the reforms through. They will be presented to voters on November’s ballot.
The Latest From This Campaign

Portland voters scrap city’s odd century-old form of government, approve radical remake
Nov 9 2022
The passage of Measure 26-228 is an historic step towards a democracy that truly gives all Portlanders a seat at the decision making table and a government that meets their basic needs.
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Proposal for new Portland council would mark another step forward
Oct 25 2022
The proposal, which combines multi-member districts and ranked choice voting, would lead to more civil campaigns and less polarization.
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Portland voters strongly favor ballot measure to reshape city government, poll finds
Sep 26 2022
Nearly two-thirds of likely Portland voters say they’ll back a contested ballot measure this fall to radically reshape the city’s form of government and election system, according to a new poll commissioned by the metro area’s most influential business organization and several industry groups.
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