Up the Vote SF
Campaign Status: Victory
The Policy
Proposition H: This measure moves San Francisco’s odd-year municipal election with an average 43% turnout rate onto the presidential election cycle— when turnout is double.
By approving this measure, San Francisco voters will double participation in local elections and enable more voters to weigh in on the local positions that directly affect them the most: Mayor, District Attorney, City Attorney, Sheriff, and Treasurer.
Over the last decade, voter turnout in San Francisco has averaged 43% for odd year elections. Compared to the 80% voter turnout rate during election years with presidential races, this is unacceptably low, and it impacts the voices of communities of color, the working class, and young voters.
The California Voter Participation Rights Act (SB 415) was signed into law in 2015 — prohibiting cities in California from holding off-cycle elections if doing so results in a significant decline in voter turnout— exactly what is happening today in San Francisco.
However, a California Court had previously ruled that SB 415 does not apply to Charter cities like San Francisco. This court decision paved the way for Proposition H.
Who’s Involved?
Up the Vote SF is supported and sponsored by a number of groups: Common Cause CA, LWV SF, SF Dems, Asian Americans Advancing Justice, Harvey Milk LGBTQ Democratic Club, SF Labor Council, and RepresentUs.
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Campaign Milestones
Nov 2022
San Francisco passes Prop H which will likely double voter turnout for municipal elections and give voters a greater voice.
Sep 2022
Up The Vote SF and Proposition H earn endorsement from San Francisco’s leading newspaper the San Francisco Chronicle.
Jul 2022
The San Francisco Board of Supervisors approves Proposition H as ballot measure for November’s ballot after having seen voter turnout improve in more than 55 California cities who switched their odd year cycles to even year election cycles over the last five years.
Apr 2020
A California Court of Appeals rules that The California Voter Participation Rights Act does not apply to charter cities like San Francisco.
Sep 2015
The California Voter Participation Rights Act (SB 415) is signed into law which prohibits cities in California from holding off-cycle elections if doing so results in a significant decline in voter turnout. The law will go into effect on September 1, 2018.
The Latest From This Campaign

Measure to move San Francisco elections to even-numbered years has strong support
Nov 14 2022
Proposition H means the city would hold elections only in even-numbered years or in special elections, extending the terms of the current elected city officials by a year. Preliminary results as of Nov. 11 show that 70% of votes counted currently support the ballot.
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Proposition H — City Elections in Even-Numbered Years
Oct 13 2022
Proponents argue that the measure is a boon for democracy since it could lead to double the number of voters casting ballots. San Francisco election participation data indicates that in even-numbered years, nearly twice as many voters turn out than in odd-numbered years.
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Endorsement: S.F. voter turnout isn’t good enough. Prop. H will help
Sep 20 2022
The likelihood of more San Franciscans paying attention to key local races makes the measure good for democracy and worthy of your vote.
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