OhioIndependent Redistricting Commission

Campaign Status: Active

The Policy

Independent Redistricting Commission


Currently in Ohio, lawmakers get to draw their own voting districts, pick their voters and protect their incumbents. After the last census, the Ohio Supreme Court had to reject not one, not two, but five sets of unconstitutionally gerrymandered maps in what Chief Justice Maureen O’Connor called “a stunning rebuke of the rule of law”. The people of Ohio deserve better, and now they’re demanding it with the Citizens Not Politicians Amendment.

This new law would 1) create an independent citizen’s redistricting commission, 2) ban current or former politicians, political party officials and lobbyists from sitting on the Commission, 3) require fair maps by prohibiting voting districts that favor any political party or individual, and 4) require an open and transparent process.

Who’s Involved?

RepresentUs is supporting in-state partners including Citizens Not Politicians, Common Cause, and League of Women Voters.


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