Why this is such a big deal

Independent redistricting commissions have been hugely successful in combatting gerrymandering everywhere they’ve been adopted.

By taking the drawing of voting maps out of the hands of politicians and instead entrusting the mapmaking process to independent, nonpartisan, voter-centric commissions, we see a number of tremendous benefits:

  • Politicians no longer get to choose their voters
  • Fairer maps
  • More competitive elections
  • Voters get more power
  • Strong and enforceable standards for maps to prevent power grabs

Your donation will help fund:

  • Volunteer recruitment & training
  • Volunteer leadership trainings
  • Direct voter contact
  • Support for our in-state partners

By donating, you’ll help give over 15 million voters a greater say in their elections and lay the foundation for positive election reform nationwide.

Can you chip in?

Why you should care about Los Angeles and Ohio

We know Congress won’t do anything about gerrymandering because both parties are benefitting from it. Instead, change has to happen at the city and state levels to fix our broken political system.

It’s a strategy that the most successful movements—women’s suffrage, marriage equality, interracial marriage—have followed.

Victories against gerrymandering in Los Angeles and Ohio this November make nationwide change that much more likely.

States like Arizona, California, Colorado, Iowa, Michigan, Missouri, and Utah already use some form of independent redistricting commission and are seeing positive results.

Wins in Ohio and Los Angeles would add huge momentum to the nationwide fight against gerrymandering. Can you lend a hand?