The president isn’t a king, and executive orders aren’t absolute. Our Constitution has a set of checks and balances to keep any one branch from becoming too powerful.
This question has become particularly pressing since the United States was recently classified as a backsliding democracy for the first time in its history.
When the government falls short of serving the public’s interests, inspectors general (IGs) are there to act as safeguards against corruption, mismanagement, and inefficiency.
Rent prices in the U.S. are at record highs, straining millions of families. But this isn’t just about supply and demand—it’s about corporate greed and legal bribery that rigs the system to benefit the wealthy few at the expense of renters.
In 2024, we set an ambitious goal: to reach more Americans than ever before, open their eyes to the corruption in our government, and inspire them to rise up, join the movement, and enact powerful anti-corruption laws nationwide. It worked.
There are many scientific, technical, and logistical challenges to eliminating PFAS in our drinking water, but one thing is absolutely clear: our corrupt political system makes it infinitely more difficult.
Florida is one of few states with public financing enshrined in its state constitution. We need to be expanding and improving public campaign financing programs, not getting rid of them.
What if our political system and the way we vote is contributing to the problem?
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