Donate Cryptocurrency

Your cryptocurrency donations support our mission to fix our broken political system.

The future of funding meets the future of democracy.

For 12 years RepresentUs has brought together progressives, conservatives, and everyone in between to fix our broken political system. Using intuitive and innovative anti-corruption messaging, we are currently winning in red states and blue states, inspiring, energizing, activating, and empowering people to fight political corruption and restore American democracy.

We are partnering with the crypto community to bring innovative and more representative government to the American people. RepresentUs is on the frontlines – everyday – fighting to fix our broken system.

Two options to donate cryptocurrency:

  • Give to RepresentUs (c4)

  • Give to RepresentUs Education Fund (c3)


  • Is my cryptocurrency donation tax deductible?

    Your cryptocurrency donations to the RepresentUs Education Fund (c3) are tax deductible. By making a charitable gift, you may also be eligible to significantly reduce what you would otherwise owe in capital gains taxes. As with any tax-related questions, be sure to consult with a qualified, professional tax advisor.

    Cryptocurrency donations to RepresentUs (c4) are not tax deductible but you may still be eligible to significantly reduce what you would otherwise owe in capital gains taxes by making a charitable donation.

  • What happens to my cryptocurrency once it’s donated?

    The cryptocurrency you donate to will support our work to fix America’s broken political system and ensure that the government better represents the will of the American people. The value of the cryptocurrency at the time of donation is what is typically considered for tax purposes.

  • Why do you accept cryptocurrency donations?

    With hundreds of millions of cryptocurrency users, the crypto community is in a position to make a huge impact on our fight to fix America’s broken political system, and donating crypto is one of the most tax-efficient ways for individuals to support causes that matter to them.

  • Can I donate cryptocurrency anonymously?

    Because we advocate for transparency in political spending and government, we ask that our own donors be transparent as well. A full list of donors lives on our website and is updated on a bi-annual basis. We’re honored to include you in that list of passionate people leading the fight for a better future.

  • What is the difference between c3 and c4?

    A 501(c)(3) organization is a tax-exempt nonprofit organization in the U.S. recognized by the IRS for charitable, religious, educational, scientific, or literary purposes. Donations to these organizations are typically tax-deductible for the donor.

    A 501(c)(4) organization is a tax-exempt nonprofit organization in the U.S. recognized by the IRS for social welfare purposes. These organizations can engage in lobbying and political activities more freely than 501(c)(3) organizations. Donations to c4 organizations are generally not tax-deductible.

    Both the RepresentUs Education Fund (c3) and RepresentUs (c4) accept cryptocurrency donations.

  • Other questions?

    If you have questions or need further assistance, please reach out to our team!
    Email us at [email protected].