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335 million Americans are suffering from Electile Dysfunction. But a fast-acting, long-lasting bill called the Freedom to Vote Act can help. It outlaws gerrymandering, stops dark money in elections, and makes Election Day a holiday.

Join the launch of Electile Dysfunction and tell your followers to talk to their representatives about the Freedom to Vote Act today!

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    If you or a loved one suffers from #ElectileDysfunction 🥀, consider the Freedom to Vote Act. A fast-acting, long-lasting bill that outlaws gerrymandering, protects elections, stops dark money in elections, and makes Election Day a holiday. 🍆 Thanks @RepresentUs! #FreedomToVoteAct #ProtectMyFreedomToVote #FTVA

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  1. Upload the video to TikTok
  2. Add this link to your bio:
  3. Use this share text: If you or a loved one suffers from #ElectileDysfunction 🥀, consider the Freedom to Vote Act. A fast-acting, long-lasting bill that outlaws gerrymandering, protects elections, stops dark money in elections, and makes Election Day a holiday. 🍆 Thanks @RepresentUs! #FreedomToVoteAct #ProtectMyFreedomToVote #FTVA