The Freedom to Vote Act would make Election Day a national holiday for federal elections, meaning non-essential federal employees would get a paid day off. Because the impact of a federal holiday is far-reaching, many states and workplaces would likely follow suit. Giving people the day off would celebrate the importance of voting and allow people the time they need to cast their ballots.

More than a third of states already have some form of Election Day holiday. Passing the Freedom to Vote Act would set the stage for many Americans to receive a day off work for Election Day.

* Last updated 10/14/2021

Tell The Senate: Make Election Day a Federal Holiday

Dear Senators,

I’m writing to urge you to make Election Day a federal Holiday by passing the Freedom to Vote Act.

A federal holiday for Election Day would give all non-essential federal employees the day off, and states and businesses often follow suit. Please follow the example of the nearly 20 states that have already made Election Day a holiday in some form, and make Election Day a federal holiday for all Americans.

Thank you.