Campaign Finance Reform Victory!

This initiative establishes a 15-member citizens’ commission to advocate for certain amendments to the United States Constitution regarding political spending and corporate personhood. It was approved by the voters of Massachusetts on November 6th, 2018.

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Massachusetts is part of the biggest wave of anti-corruption reform in US history.

Massachusetts Ballot Question 2:
People Govern, Not Money

People Govern, Not Money is a volunteer-led effort to give Massachusetts Voters the chance to say this November that we have had enough with big monied interests dominating our politics.

The ballot initiative, Massachusetts Question 2, an initiative to create an advisory commission for amendments to the U.S. Constitution regarding corporate personhood and political spending.

Scale: State-wide
Type: Ballot Measure
Category: Money in Politics/Ethics
Policy Summary: Ending Citizens United
Status: Certified for the November ballot after over 100,000 signatures were certified

Read the full text of Question 2.

Contact the CampaignPeople Govern Facebook, Yes on 2 Campaign