Ethics Reform Victory!

This measure creates an independent commission to investigate, adjudicate, and issue opinions on alleged ethics violations made by public officials, lobbyists, candidates, and government contractors. It was approved by the voters of New Mexico on November 6th, 2018.

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New Mexico is part of the biggest wave of anti-corruption reform in US history.

NM Constitutional Amendment 2:
Independent Ethics Commission

This November, New Mexican voters will have the opportunity to create an Independent State Ethics Commission. New Mexico is one of only eight states without an Independent Ethics Commission. We must hold our public officials accountable to high ethical standards to ensure they serve the people, instead of just well-connected special interests.

Scale: State-wide
Type: Ballot Measure
Category: Ethics & Accountability
Subject: Money in Politics/Ethics
Policy Summary: Ethics Commission
Status: On the ballot for November 2018 after being referred by the Legislature.

Read the full text of Amendment 2.

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