Campaign Finance Reform Victory!

This measure strengthens the city’s matching public campaign financing system and tightens campaign contribution limits. The measure was approved by the voters on November 6th, 2018.

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New York is part of the biggest wave of anti-corruption reform in US history.

New York City Proposal 1:
Campaign Finance

New York City, NY

New Yorkers have a chance to make their city’s innovative public campaign financing program even better. A yes vote on question 1 would significantly reduce campaign contribution limits for city offices, allow candidates who agree to accept smaller donations to match $8 in public funding with each $1 in private contributions they receive and raise the cap on the amount of public funding these participating candidates can earn. The reform promises to further empower residents and candidates without deep pockets to engage with our democracy.

How did we get here? After the mayor convened a commission to recommend changes to bolster civic engagement, reform advocates spoke out in favor of making improvements to the city’s campaign financing system. The testimony paid off: the commission combined a stronger matching funds program with lower campaign contribution limits into its first proposed measure for the November ballot.

Scale: Municipal
Type: Ballot Measure
Category: Money in Politics/Ethics
Policy Summary: Public Campaign Financing
Status: On the Nov. 2018 ballot

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Read the full text of Proposal 1.