Campaign Summary
Virginia’s voting maps are rigged. Every ten years, politicians draw voting districts, picking their own voters without oversight, transparency, or citizen involvement. A dedicated group of Virginians decided to change that. In 2018, they kicked off a grassroots campaign to stop gerrymandering in Virginia. To amend the state constitution, the law first had to be passed by the legislature in two separate years, then placed on the ballot for the voters to decide. In an impressive display of bipartisan cooperation, the law passed both houses of the legislature in 2019 and 2020, putting the question before Virginia voters in November of 2020.
November 2020

October 2020
October 1, 2020
The Yes on 1 Campaign holds a community conversation with lifelong voting rights advocates Vickie Williams-Cullins, Bobby Vassar and Phillip Thompson to discuss how Amendment 1 will impact Black and Brown communities. The Amendment ensures that the rights of minority communities are taken into account in the redistricting process, adding these protections to Virginia’s constitution.
September 2020
September 30, 2020
The Washington Post Editorial Board endorses Amendment 1: “[A]s a tough compromise struck between Democrats and Republicans in Richmond, it would form a thoroughly bipartisan commission that would forge voting districts — not in hidden backrooms, as has been the practice for decades, but in public, for all to see.”
September 17, 2020
The Yes on 1 campaign kicks off a “Community Conversations” series with Academics for Amendment 1. Prof. Rebecca Green of William and Mary Law School, Asst. Prof. Nick Goedert of VT Political Science & Asst. Prof. Alex Keena of VCU Political Science discuss how their research applies to Amendment 1.
July 2020

March 2020
January 2020

January 9, 2019
A second anti-gerrymandering bill, SJR 306 is introduced in the Virginia legislature.
January 1, 2019
Anti-gerrymandering bill HJR 615 is introduced in the Virginia legislature.

March 4, 2018
OneVirgina2021 launches its March Forth campaign, a 10-month education and organizing plan to build momentum to end gerrymandering in Virginia.