Complex Political Issues Explained Simply
Everything you need to know about our broken political system… and how we fix it.
Money in Politics
When corporations, special interest groups, and the wealthy use their financial resources to change, weaken, or sometimes even write regulations or policies to their benefit, it’s all of us and our families who lose.
The vast amount of money flowing through our elections can sway not only who wins, but also who even gets to run. This influx of cash can lead to unequal representation and raises fundamental questions about the integrity of our democratic process.
Democracy & Corruption 101
Money plays a huge role in our politics, influencing elections, policymaking, and the overall functioning of our government, often to the detriment of the American voters.
From taxation to national debt, education to the economy, America is struggling to address our most serious issues. Moneyed interests get what they want, and the rest of us pay the price.
Representation & Election Integrity
Corrupt politicians and their allies routinely undermine voter power by rigging voting districts in favor of their own parties.
The way that most Americans vote is flawed, but thankfully there’s a better system that leads to better outcomes and better representation that’s catching on in cities and states all across the country. It’s called Ranked Choice Voting.
Corrupt politicians and the special interest groups that back them don’t like it when their power is threatened or when citizens can band together to affect change on their own. That’s why they’re attacking the ballot initiative process

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Why are Members of Congress allowed to trade stocks? How do ‘special interests’ control our government?
We’ve got answers to these questions and much more.