Politicians are preparing to redraw election district maps so they can pick their voters, instead of the other way around. It’s called gerrymandering, and it should be illegal.

Some states have strong rules to prevent gerrymandering, but # states are at high or extreme risk.

Use the dropdown menu to learn about the risks in your state:

Select your state

Stop gerrymandering in your state.

This might look scary, but we can stop your state’s congressional elections from being rigged by partisan politicians by passing the For the People Act. The Act is in the Senate right now, and if passed would make congressional gerrymandering illegal.

Make gerrymandering illegal.

Your state is in pretty good shape, but # other states are at risk for gerrymandering. We can make congressional gerrymandering illegal in all 50 states by passing the For the People Act. The Act is in the Senate right now, and we need your help to make sure it passes.

Add your name now to send an immediate message to your Senators urging them to vote YES on the For the People Act:

Dear Senators —

I’m writing to urge you to vote YES to pass the For the People Act.

The Act would end partisan gerrymandering and fix our broken political system. 67% of Americans, including a majority of Democrats and Republicans, support the provisions in the bill. Please stand with the American people and pass the For the People Act.

Thank you.