Campaign Summary
In 2015, the legislature refused to vote on the Missouri Anti-Corruption Amendment, proposed by conservative State Senator and RepresentUs Advisory Council member Rob Schaaf.
Three months later, a right-left coalition kicked off a signature drive for the Clean Missouri Amendment that would tighten contribution limits and lobbying gift laws, close the revolving door, increase transparency, and ensure no political party is given an unfair advantage in map-drawing.
November 2018
November 3, 2018
Redistricting reform measures, including Amendment 1, garner national coverage in publications such as Slate, The Wallstreet Journal, FiveThirtyEight, and more
November 1, 2018
Bolivar Herald-Free Press, Kirksville Daily Express, The State News, Kansas City Star, and Herald-Whig newspapers endorse Amendment 1
October 2018
October 30, 2018
President and CEO of NAACP Derrick Johnson endorses Amendment 1
October 26, 2018
- Actor Ed Helms campaigns in support of Amendment 1 with video ad
- The Joplin Globe becomes seventh newspaper to endorse Amendment 1
October 13, 2018
Campaign continues to receive endorsements from conservatives, progressives, and independents
September 2018
September 26, 2018
Represent Missouri takes out billboards on highways 50, 54, and 63, calling out ridiculous gifts from lobbyists to legislators
September 20, 2018
Three-judge panel of state’s appeals court sides with Clean Missouri, rules to keep Amendment 1 on November ballot, reversing lower court decision
September 19, 2018
Clean Missouri rallies in St. Louis and Kansas City to defend the initiative as court begins to hear arguments
September 18, 2018
Represent Missouri Leader Steve Davey’s op-ed posted on Independent Voter Network
September 17, 2018
Three GOP Senators endorse Amendment 1
September 14, 2018
Lower court rules to remove Clean Missouri Initiative from the ballot
- Clean Missouri appeals to Appellate court
September 8, 2018
St. Louis Post-Dispatch editorial: Eat, drink and be corrupt — the Missouri Legislature’s way
August 2018
August 17, 2018
Major newspapers, including the Emissourian and the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, endorse Amendment 1
August 1, 2018
Clean Missouri qualifies for November 6 ballot as Amendment 1
July 2018
July 31, 2018
Columbia Daily Tribune endorses Clean Missouri and the movement to clean up Missouri politics
July 1, 2018
Clean Missouri garners support from 12 prominent Republican leaders
June 2018
June 21, 2018
Over 4,000 people sign petition to stop special interests from kicking Amendment 1 off the ballot
June 12, 2018
Clean Missouri releases damning report, shining a light on the enormous lobbyist gift problem: Liquor, Lobbyists, & Lawmaking in Missouri
June 7, 2018
RepresentUs endorses Clean MO Campaign
May 2018
May 23, 2018
- Lawmakers in Jefferson City complete another legislative session without ethics reform
- Clean Missouri coalition crunches the numbers: total value of gifts from lobbyists to legislators from 2004 to March 2018 has reached more than $12.5 million
May 11, 2018
Endorsements from the Washington Missourian editorial board and the St. Louis Post-Dispatch
May 3, 2018
- Clean Missouri coalition submits 347,000 signatures to Secretary of State’s office, more than enough to qualify the initiative petition for November 2018 ballot
- Across the state, more than 1,600 volunteers pitched in to circulate the petitions
April 2018
April 28, 2018
Weston Mayor Clifford Harvey makes small-town case for Clean Missouri in a piece published in Kansas City Star
April 21, 2018
Clean Missouri runs “Signature Gathering Blitz” in Kansas City and St. Louis
April 16, 2018
State Rep. Galen Higdon backs the Clean Missouri amendment in a St. Joseph News-Press column, cites having “seen too many others at the Capitol serving other masters: big money special interests who contribute millions of dollars to their campaigns”
February 2018
October 2017
October 16, 2017
Clean Missouri analyzes state ethics commission records and finds lobbyists had given officials more than $1 million from January to August 2017
September 2017
September 4, 2017
Kansas City Star editorial board endorses Clean Missouri and ethics reform
July 2017
July 5, 2017
Dave Robertson, political science professor at University of Missouri-St. Louis, describes his support for the amendment as a “nonpartisan way to push back against” the corrosion of American system of government in a St. Louis Post-Dispatch column
May 2017
May 24, 2017
Rev. Cassandra Gould, executive director of Missouri Faith Voices, and Missouri NAACP Conference President Nimrod T Chapel, Jr. write a column in the St. Louis American in support of Clean Missouri
May 20, 2017
Clean Missouri ramps up petition collection efforts with three signature gathering trainings held across the state
May 18, 2017
Missouri legislature once again fails to pass ethics reform legislation
May 7, 2017
Federal judge rules many of the 2016 campaign finance reform Amendment’s provisions unconstitutional, but keeps the contribution limits in place
April 2017

April 6, 2017
- RepresentUs, Take Back Our Republic, Clean Missouri and others conduct conservative speaking tour in Missouri
- Republican Senator Rob Schaaf delivers a speech on ethics.
February 2015

February 3, 2015
State Senator Rob Schaaf introduces Missouri Anti-Corruption Amendment designed to enact campaign contribution limits, ban corporate and union donations to candidates, and make a host of lobbying reforms
Press Hits
November 1, 2018 — November 9, 2018
Slate: The 2018 Election Was a Body Blow to Partisan Gerrymandering
NPR: Voters In 3 States Pass Non-Partisan Redistricting Measures
Wired: Good News: Midterm Voters Drew the Line on Gerrymandering
The Washington Post: Voters are stripping partisan redistricting power from politicians in anti-gerrymandering efforts
St. Louis Public Radio: 8 things to look for in Tuesday’s pivotal Missouri midterm elections
Fort Bend Herald: Stopping Partisan Gerrymandering
KSHB: Amendment 1 puts political gifts, campaign contributions, redistricting on Missouri ballot
The Kansas City Star: Ballot measure would change Missouri redistricting
FiveThirtyEight: Forget About The Candidates. What Else Is On The Ballot This Week?
USA Today: Midterms: Races for governor, statehouses will help decide control of Congress for a decade
The Wall Street Journal: Four States to Vote on Redistricting Measures Ahead of 2020 Census
Slate: These Ballot Initiatives Could Have a Revolutionary Effect on Voting Rights and Criminal Justice in Your State
City Lab: Can Voters End Gerrymandering When Politicians Won’t?
KOMU: State leaders call for action against dark money
Columbia Missourian: DAVID WEBBER: Study the candidates. Examine the issues. Vote on Tuesday.
The St. Louis American: Don’t be fooled by foul play on Clean Missouri’s Amendment 1
The Kansas City Star: Ethics reform in Missouri government is long overdue. Vote yes on Amendment 1
October 15, 2018 — October 31, 2018
Columbia Missourian: Redistricting explained: A look at the ‘Clean Missouri’ amendment
St. Louis Post-Dispatch: Amendment 1 will increase fairness, accountability in Missouri
U.S. News & World Report: Democratic Wave Faces GOP Gerrymandering in US House Races
Riverfront Times: Everybody Wants a Piece of Missouri Politics, Including Trump and Biden
OZY: Will Missouri Lead the U.S. in Revealing Dark Money Donors? Amendment 1 Is a Commonsense Issue
Columbia Tribune: Our View: Voters should say ‘yes’ on Amendment 1
IVN: Amendment 1 to Clean Up Missouri Politics Endorsed by 7 Newspapers
MissouriNet: Missouri ballot measure to change redistricting process has major support, opposition
Ozark’s First: Jennifer Lawrence Endorses A Missouri Amendment
St. Louis Public Radio: Clean Missouri proposition puts redistricting front and center, limits lobbyist influence
Kirksville Daily Express: Voters face ethics, legislative map questions on Amendment 1
The Michigan Daily: OTD: Arnold Schwarzenegger fights to “terminate gerrymandering” in Michigan
News Press Now: District 9 race features professor, former lawmaker
St. Louis Post-Dispatch: Break the cycle of political parties dividing up Missouri
The Kansas City Star: The most important vote you’ll cast in Missouri elections isn’t what you think it is
St. Louis Post-Dispatch: Messenger: Missouri ballot initiatives offer hope for broken political system
Leader Publications: Lobbyists have motives for handing out all those perks
Missourian: November ballot issues bring in millions from supporters
Linn County Leader: Missouri ballot measures look to switch up state
The St. Louis American: Amendment 1 ends gerrymandering
The Missouri Times: Clean Missouri hits airwaves advocating for overhaul of ethics system
West Newsmagazine: Amendment 1: A major decision for Missouri voters
October 1, 2018 — October 14, 2018
The Atlantic: Schwarzenegger Is Back in a Wonky Campaign Fight Against Gerrymandering
Sentinel Source: Analysis: Midterms will weigh heavy on post-2020 redistricting
The Joplin Globe: Amendment 1 would change the way Missouri legislative districts are drawn
News Tribune: Clean Missouri proponents tout proposal’s benefits
Standard Democrat: Members of the Clean Missouri Campaign stop in Sikeston to endorse Amendment 1
The Hill: We can’t make political maps nonpartisan, but can improve redistricting
The Center for Public Integrity: Redistricting explained: All eyes on state races in 2018
News Tribune: Voters to decide fate of Clean Missouri initiative
The Kansas City Star: Amendment 1 and Proposition B will help Missouri families
The Economist: Ending gerrymandering
Call Newspapers: Clean Missouri measure is back on ballot
The St. Louis American: Amendment 1 offers protections for minority voters
IVN: Report: Missouri Amendment Would End Million-Dollar Lobbyist Gift Culture
The Missouri Times: AARP Missouri endorses Amendment 1
Riverfront Times: Clean Missouri Amendment Would Make Big Changes to Redistricting, Lobbying
September 15, 2018 — September 30, 2018
Columbia Daily Tribune: Why you should vote ‘yes’ for a Clean Missouri
STL News: Michigan voters to decide how their electoral maps are drawn Union Mayor Backs Ethics Reform Measure
The St. Louis American: Amendment 1 puts voters before lobbyists in Jefferson City
Northeast News: Clean Missouri ethics reform to remain on general election ballot
Missourian: David Rosman: A vote for Amendment 1 will help protect state from gerrymandering
ABC 17: Supreme Court won’t hear Clean Missouri case, heads to Nov. ballot
U.S. News & World Report: Missouri High Court Lets Voters Decide Redistricting Measure
Missourian: Appeals court ruling keeps Clean Missouri on ballot
IVN: Appeals Court Upholds Anti-Corruption, Anti-Gerrymandering Ballot Proposal
KCUR: Court Says Missouri Ethics, Redistricting Initiative To Stay On November Ballot
IVN: Lobbyists vs. The People: Fight to End Political Corruption in Missouri Rages On
The Kansas City Star: Missouri ethics reform initiative hangs in the balance until appeals court rules
The Kansas City Star: Clean Missouri — Amendment 1 — will help clean up Show-Me politics
AP News: Missouri court lets Clean Missouri redistricting initiative go to voters
St. Louis Post-Dispatch: Amendment 1: Missourians versus lobbyists
St. Louis Post-Dispatch: Editorial: Keep the ‘Clean Missouri’ initiative alive for November
September 1, 2018 — September 14, 2018
ABC 17: Appeal filed after Clean Missouri amendment removed from Nov. ballot
Missourian: UPDATED: Clean Missouri politics amendment swept from November ballot
Columbia Daily Tribune: Missouri auditor candidates exchange harsh words at debate
IVN: Judge Strips Ambitious Anti-Corruption Amendment from Missouri Ballot
IVN: Unrigging The System: How Voters Can Reclaim Their Power This November
The Hill: Redistricting reformers turn to ballot initiatives
Campaign Legal Center: New Ballot Initiative Promises to Minimize Republican and Democratic Gerrymanders in Missouri
St. Louis Post-Dispatch: Editorial: Eat, drink and be corrupt — the Missouri Legislature’s way
Lake News Online: Community members rally in support of Amendment 1
The Missouri Times: Schwarzenegger targets gerrymandering for termination, pushes for Clean Missouri support
U.S. News & World Report: Upcoming Redistricting Is a Backstory of 2018 Midterms
Call Newspapers: Clean Missouri amendment calls for open records, lobbying limits, new districts
U.S. News & World Report: Redistricting Battles Already Playing Out in 2018 Midterms
Phelps County Focus: Amendment 1 supporters rally at the courthouse
August 15, 2018 — August 31, 2018
Fox4KC: Missouri Gov. Parson considering special legislative session
KXCV: Campaign for Amendment One stops in Maryville
The Maryville Forum: Northwest Missouri leaders endorse Amendment 1
St. Louis Public Radio: Missouri’s Senate contest is favorite destination for outside money Clean Missouri Kicks Off Drive The Little People Against the Giants Amendment 1 will clean up legislature
The St. Louis American: League of Women Voters vows to clean up Missouri Legislature
Southeast Missourian: Clean Missouri ballot measure looks to change way legislative districts are drawn
St. Louis Post-Dispatch: All can agree amendment will add transparency to political process
The Missouri Times: League of Women Voters in Missouri endorses Clean Missouri despite legal challenges
The Washington Post: The Daily 202: Democratic Push for Redistricting Commissions Gains Steam as Midterms Approach
The Joplin Globe: Susan Redden: Chamber lawsuit challenges Clean Missouri amendment
Missourinet: Activist group backs measure to limit lobbyist gifts, change voting district map
St. Louis Post-Dispatch: Messenger: From Montana to Missouri, dark money is bipartisan scourge on American political system
Daily Star Journal: Supporters urge voters to approve Amendment I
The Joplin Globe: Clean Missouri campaigns in Joplin for ethics, redistricting reforms Amendment 1 Is Common Sense
IVN: Party Insiders, Lobbyists Sue to Get Anti-Corruption Measure off Missouri Ballot
August 1, 2018 — August 14, 2018
St. Louis Post-Dispatch: Our endangered democracy
News Tribune: Missouri Chamber files second lawsuit against Clean Missouri proposal
KTTS: League Of Women Voters Announce Clean Missouri Initiative Now Certified To Be On Ballot
Ozarks First: Recent Polling Shows Senate Tie, Support for Ballot Measures in November Election
The Joplin Globe: Our view: Much to mull on ballot
News Tribune: Lawsuit challenges proposed Clean Missouri amendment
The Missouri Times: Lawsuit filed to keep ethics overhaul question off November ballot
NBC News: Gerrymandering has voters incensed. How fed-up constituents are fighting back.
The Kansas City Star: Missouri Voters Get to Decide Medical Marijuana, Minimum Wage, Ethics Reform in the Fall
July 2018
Hannibal Courier-Post: Op-ed: Amendment 1 is voters’ chance to put Missourians before big donors, lobbyists
Slate: “Emails Are the Tools of the Devil”
AP News: Republicans band together to fight change to redistricting
The Hill: Michigan GOP aides emails revealed in court case suggest bias in redistricting
The New York Times: Drive Against Gerrymandering Finds New Life in Ballot Initiatives
The New York Times: Opinion: Do-It-Yourself Legislative Redistricting
Columbia Daily Tribune: Tribune’s View: Gerrymandering in Missouri is a practice that needs to end
KOMU: Group: Proposed constitutional amendment to be on November ballot
KOMU: Missouri groups clash over proposed redistricting plan
Springfield News-Leader: Liberty and justice for the wealthy and well-connected
Ozarks First: Springfield Activists Endorse Clean Missouri Initiative
EMissourian: Missouri Lawmakers Ignore Sunshine Law
June 2018
The Missouri Times: Republicans for Clean Missouri committee unveiled in support of November ethics ballot measure
Mint Press News: Partisan Gerrymandering May Soon Be Unconstitutional
Missourian: EDITORIAL: Dark money giveth Eric Greitens, and taketh away
St. Louis Public Radio: Politically Speaking: Clean Missouri proponents contend ballot initiative will cleanse the state
AP News: States’ redistricting plans facing challenges in court
May 2018
KCUR: Seg. 1: Clean Missouri Initiative. Seg. 2: KC Toymaker. Seg. 3: Pop-Rock Icon Mike Stoller.
Springfield News-Leader: Four big issues coming to Missouri ballots — and the big money being spent to win votes
The Kansas City Star: Missouri lawmakers can keep accepting lobbyist gifts after failing to pass amendment
The Kansas City Star: No more free booze, fancy dinners or sports tickets. Missouri lawmakers must pass gift ban
KQ2: Schaaf Backs Clean Missouri Initiative
KPLR 11: Initiative targeting government corruption likely to be on Missouri’s November ballot
St. Louis Post-Dispatch: Donors behind political cash cannot be concealed, ethics watchdog says
Public News Service: MO Voters to Decide on Initiative Targeting Corruption in Government
U.S. News & World Report: Minimum Wage, Medical Pot Among Missouri Ballot Proposals
News Tribune: Clean Missouri petitioners turn in about 347,000 signatures
Missourian: Ballot petition supports open records and limits on lobbying, donation
St. Louis Public Radio: Signatures delivered for ethics-related ballot initiative
April 2018
The Kansas City Star: Clean Missouri will help restore the balance of power between small towns and the state
Kirksville Daily Express: Amendment aims for campaign, ethics reform
News-Press Now: Clean Missouri ballot proposal puts Missourians first in Jeff City
St. Louis Post-Dispatch: Ethics Commission scandal shows our freedom is under attack
January 2018 — March 2018
St. Louis Public Radio: Politically Speaking: After very eventful first half, Sen. Sifton previews rest of 2018 session
The Kansas City Star: Time for Missouri lawmakers to ban lobbyists’ gifts
The Kansas City Star: No more swanky dinners or free booze? Missouri lawmakers should ban lobbyist gifts
The Kansas City Star: How’s a former Missouri lawmaker spending campaign cash? Golf, booze, cigars and more
The Kansas City Star: Here’s how citizens can finally clean up Missouri government
St. Louis Post-Dispatch: Editorial: Moneyed interests find a way to thwart voters’ will on donation limits
The Kansas City Star: ‘Clean Missouri’ effort deserves voters’ support; Guest Commentary
The Kansas City Star: Guest commentary: It’s time to get Big Money out of Missouri politics