No event near you? Plan your own.

On April 15th, more than 30 communities across America will announce their local Anti-Corruption Campaign. We need to show them that all of America is watching and that we’ve got their back. Here’s how you can help:

1. Print out this sign on your home printer or at a local print shop. More Representation Day materials can be found at the bottom of this page.

2. Write your location in the blank space and represent your hometown.

3. Take a photo of yourself holding the sign or with friends.

4. Post it on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter using hashtag #RepDay.

We’ll be tracking #RepDay to gather all of the photos that are taken on the day, and we’ll be using them to show the diversity and reach of this movement. Online actions are powerful and can spread a message like wildfire. By posting your photos online with #RepDay, you are not only supporting the Anti-Corruption movement, but you are also making it even stronger by making sure that the world knows about it.

You can do this by yourself or with as big of a group as you can gather. The bigger you go, the bigger our message, the bigger our impact. Here’s how some RepresentUs members are taking it to the next level.

Get out there! Go big. Go bold.

  • Represent San Francisco is taking a photo with a banner at the Golden Gate Bridge and then gathering at the local courthouse to petition and talk about corruption.
  • Represent Lehigh Valley is holding a press conference and then speaking at the city council meeting in the evening.
  • Represent Mobile will be gathering signatures in support of the American Anti-Corruption Act.

It doesn’t matter if you go big or small, what matters is that you do something. Every single action has an impact on the Anti-Corruption movement. Don’t miss your chance to be part of this awesome day.

Representation Day Materials

sign-smallClick Here For Things to Print, Download and Share on Representation Day.