How to Take Effective Political Action
A Guide to Common Political Actions

1. How to Hold Conversations Across Differences
Because we encounter people every day where we adamantly disagree politically with the other person, it’s important to develop the skills needed for engaging productively across political differences.

2. How to Write a Letter to the Editor
One of the most effective ways to share your story with your elected officials and immediate community is to write a letter to the editor (LTE) of your local paper.

3. How to Textbank
Through texting you can help guide supporters to an action or event that’s relevant to them and update them on campaigns in their area.

4. How to Phonebank
Phonebanking is one of the best ways to communicate with your audience and community. It’s a great way to combine scalability with in-depth conversations and engagement.

5. How to Canvass
Learn how to connect with voters by initiating direct contact with them in a particular area, community, or legislative district.

6. How to Gather Signatures
Signature gathering is the process of gathering signatures from registered voters on official forms in order to get a candidate or an initiative on a ballot, sometimes known as a citizen’s initiative.

7. How to Petition and Table
Petitioning and tabling are two essential components of organizing. Learn how to do them effectively.