How to Take Effective Political Action
How to Develop Leaders
Why Shared Leadership Is Helpful:
- As organizers, one of our primary roles is to recognize, develop, and grow leadership for the movement
- Each leader provides different perspectives, and those unique perspectives could help to bring more success.
- Share the workload.
- There is capacity if other leaders need to step down or step away without affecting the team, group, campaign, or organization.
- Ensures that nothing that needs to be done is missed or overlooked.

Leadership Development:
- There should be a plan for leadership development
- This plan should consist of:
- Recruiting existing leaders
- Identifying possible leaders, for example:
- Someone who others already follow
- Someone who shows up consistently and is reliable
- Someone who understands how to work with others and across differences
- Someone who has demonstrated leadership skills
- Methods to develop them
- Topics to cover
- Assigning responsibility for:
- Asking the person to step up
- Providing necessary training and support
- Timeline of the process
- Regular evaluation process to ensure that everyone is participating and working to hold each other accountable
How to Develop New Leaders:
Method 1: Give Additional Responsibilities One at a Time
- Ask person to take on additional responsibilities
- Provide training
- Provide support
- With each responsibility added:
- Check in
- Find out how it is going
- Determine when to add another responsibility
- Ensure training and support for each new responsibility
- Go as slowly or as quickly as the person needs
- Useful to use this method:
- If the person might be overwhelmed by a large number of responsibilities all at once
- When you want to test the person before adding many responsibilities
Method 2: Hold a 1:1 and Ask Person Who Meets Criteria to Take on Leadership Role
- Explain:
- Why leadership is needed
- Why the person is the perfect candidate
- Provide training
- Provide support
- Check in as needed
- Useful to use this method:
- When the potential leader has experience
- When the potential leader has skills that match the need well
- When the potential leader has indicated a desire to take on additional responsibilities
Method 3: Hold a Team Meeting
- Discuss what roles are needed for success:
- Describe responsibilities for each role
- Describe qualities and skills needed for each role
- Take volunteers or have members nominate leaders
- Provide training
- Provide support
- Check in when needed
- Useful to use this method:
- When the team is newly forming
- When the team is transitioning from one goal to a new one
- When the team wants or needs to reset