How to Take Effective Political Action

Signature Gathering Guide

What is Signature Gathering?

Signature gathering is the process of gathering signatures from registered voters on official forms in order to get a candidate or an initiative on a ballot, sometimes known as a citizen’s initiative. These efforts are usually led by a registered campaign or candidate.

Why Do Signature Gathering?

This is often the only process for candidates or issues to get on a ballot. It is also one of the best ways to identify and grow your list of supporters.

How to Gather Signatures

Before you begin

  • Arrive at the location where you are going to gather signatures
  • Look over materials, including script
  • Script should include the ask you will be making to people to sign the form
  • Ask clarifying questions of organizers

During the signature gathering

  • Be friendly and engage people in conversation around the issue
  • Make the clear ask of the member of the public when asking them to sign
  • Be sure to encourage the person signing to fulfill the minimum requirements to validate the signature for the campaign
  • Be willing and ready to answer questions

After the signature gathering

  • Return materials and signatures to the organizer
  • Share how things went, including any potential volunteers

Helpful Hints

  • Show interest in the conversation
  • Be enthusiastic
  • If they are really excited, ask if they are interested in getting involved and follow up