How to Take Effective Political Action
Volunteer Management
1. How to Tell the Story of Self, Us and Now
You tell a story to move an audience into action by appealing to people’s hearts and minds. Your story gives people hope and inspires others when it shows that actions can and do make a difference.
2. How to Recruit Volunteers
Recruiting volunteers is one of the most commonly stated challenges for any campaign. Here are some ways you can successfully recruit.
3. How to Hold Effective One-on-Ones
Holding a one-on-one meeting with a volunteer is a great way to hear their story, why they care about an issue or candidate, and what motivates them.
4. How to Make a Hard Ask
Know how to make a hard ask is particularly important while organizing in order to meet goals and get firm commitments.
5. How to Use Radical Hospitality
Applying the use of radical hospitality can ensure that volunteers feel welcome at each and every event and return as often as they can.
6. How to Engage Volunteers
The key to engaging volunteers is to ensure that it moves the campaign forward and is respectful of volunteers’ time and effort.