Campaign Summary
In 2015, our South Dakota members launched a bold campaign to pass the nation’s first statewide Anti-Corruption Act, and they won in South Dakota in 2016.
In 2017, establishment politicians repealed it. Represent South Dakota members mounted another campaign and got Amendment W, the Voter Protection and Anti-Corruption Amendment, on the ballot for the 2018 election to close the loopholes and protect the people’s ballot initiative process.
November 2018

November 4, 2018
Represent South Dakota co-chair Darrell Solberg pens op-ed in support of Amendment W
November 3, 2018
Amendment W continues to receive national press in publications such as U.S. News & World Report and Sludge
November 1, 2018
Eight impassioned op-eds are published in support of Amendment W in Watertown Public Opinion, Rapid City Journal, Black Hills Pioneer, and Huron Plainsman
October 2018
October 31, 2018
- Actor Ed Helms campaigns in support of Amendment W with video
- Sludge runs story detailing heavy lobbyist funding of opposition campaign
- “Opposition to Amendment W has come primarily from those lobbyists who would be most impacted by the changes to the state’s constitution.”
October 28, 2018
- Represent South Dakota continues to knock on doors, canvass, pass out fliers in support of Amendment W
- The Huffington Post highlights anti-corruption initiative in South Dakota
October 8, 2018
- Presentation on Amendment W at Scotland Forum
- Canvasses and phone banks across the state
October 4, 2018
Local businesses and musical acts host concert and information session in support of Amendment W
October 2, 2018
TV ads “We the People” and “Report Card” launch
September 2018
August 2018

August 7, 2018
Field Director Doug Kronaizl kicks off series of cross-state volunteer events:
- 9 presentations
- 10 canvassing events
- 19 phone banks
June 2018
June 5, 2018
SD Gubernatorial candidates release anti-corruption talking points before primary:
- Billie Sutton unveils Restoring Trust & Integrity Plan
- Marty Jackley unveils Open and Honest Government Initiative
- Kristi Noem unveils Open State Government Initiative
March 2018
March 26, 2018
Legislature weighs more than 20 measures attacking the initiative process
December 2017
December 27, 2017
Anti-Corruption Amendment certified to appear on 2018 ballot as Amendment W
October 2017

August 2017
August 16, 2017
Halfway point of required signatures reached
July 2017

June 2017
June 5, 2017
Anti-corruption amendment petition approved for circulation
March 2017

March 17, 2017
Anti-corruption forums held to hear voters’ opinions on next steps
March 10, 2017
Governor signs series of bills into law aimed at replacing IM-22, the South Dakota Anti-Corruption Act
February 2017
February 26, 2017
Legislature debates IM-22 “replacement” bills
February 14, 2017
Lobbyists’ gifts mock IM-22 supporters
February 5, 2017
- Discussions of the IM-22 repeal dominate public forum
- Legislature promises to address ethics issues in future bills due to pushback on IM-22 repeal
February 2, 2017
- 13,500 petitions delivered to the governor urge veto of the repeal
- Governor signs repeal of IM-22
February 1, 2017
- IM-22 repealed in Senate using “emergency powers”
- Lobbyists hold “ice cream social” at state capitol
- Protesters march and fill the gallery in capitol building and watch elected leaders silence the will of the people
- Legislators bring in extra security and police dogs
January 2017

January 24, 2017
State House approves repeal bill using “emergency powers,” sending to Senate
January 23, 2017
Legislature approves emergency rules with a plan to immediately repeal the law
January 21, 2017
- Campaign publishes “Shame the Senators” newspaper ad
- Volunteers conduct phone bank to connect voters with senators, urging them not to repeal IM-22
January 8, 2017
Rally on state capitol to protect IM-22
November 2016
November 18, 2016
Two SD transportation commissioners who also work as lobbyists resign, citing IM-22
November 8, 2016
- South Dakota voters approve America’s first statewide anti-corruption act
- Lobbyist-hosted welcome dinner, mixer, and social immediately canceled
October 2016
October 29, 2016
Washington Post endorses IM-22
September 2016
September 26, 2016
Early voting begins
September 20, 2016
Conservative supporters including, Take Back Our Republic and Richard Painter, conduct statewide tour support of IM-22
August 2016
August 16, 2016
Koch-backed Americans for Prosperity launches opposition campaign “Defeat 22”
January 2016
January 7, 2016
Anti-Corruption Act certified for November ballot as IM-22
November 2015
November 9, 2015
South Dakota given “F” in State Integrity Investigation
September 2015
September 17, 2015
- Tragic murder-suicide prompts state and federal investigations
- Investigation uncovers more than $1 million funneled from Gear Up program
May 2015
May 19, 2015
State audit finds financial irregularities involving Gear Up program and Mid-Central Education Cooperative
December 2014
December 8, 2014
Calls grow for reinstatement of state ethics commission
October 2013
October 30, 2013
Governor announces investigation into EB-5 visa corruption scandal following former state cabinet secretary’s recent suicide
Press Hits
November 1 — 9, 2018
Open Secret: Many states pass campaign finance reform measures during midterms
Sludge: NYC Progressives Coalesce Around Campaign Finance Ballot Initiative
Patheos: Your Vote Tomorrow Can Right A Lot Of Wrongs
The Washington Post: South Dakota campaigns rally supporters as election looms
Rapid City Journal: Amendment W the solution we need
The Brookings Register: Amendment W puts lobbyists on notice
The Daily Republic: On the ballot: Proposed South Dakota constitutional amendment causes stir
U.S. News & World Report: It’s Almost Over: South Dakota Campaigns Make Closing Pitch
U.S. News & World Report: State and Local Citizen Initiatives Put Democracy on the Ballot
Rapid City Journal: Under God, the dollars rule
Watertown Public Opinion: Letter: W is the solution
October 16 — 31, 2018
Sludge: Opposition to South Dakota Amendment to Regulate Lobbyists Funded by… Lobbyists
Watertown Public Opinion: Letter: Vote yes on W
Capital Journal: Amendment W among the most contentious issues ahead of Election Day
The Huffington Post: Fighting Corruption Is On The Ballot In 3 States And 2 Cities This November
Rapid City Journal: OURS: Amendment W adds needed transparency
KSFY: Amendment W would create an ethics committee in Pierre if passed
Real Clear Politics: Reform Movement Picks Up Steam Ahead of Midterms
U.S. News & World Report: South Dakota Ethics Measure Supporters Outraise Opponents
The Improper Magazine: What is Amendment W and Why Is Jennifer Lawrence So Passionate About It? (See!)
U.S. News & World Report: The Latest: Fundraising Close in South Dakota’s AG Campaign
Watertown Public Opinion: Letter: Yes on W
Keloland: Jennifer Lawrence Stumps For South Dakota Ballot Question
WNAX: South Dakota Voters to Decide on a Government Accountability Board
SDPB Radio: Amendment W – Doug Kronaizl & David Owen
October 1 — 15, 2018
The New York Times: First Came a Flood of Ballot Measures From Voters. Then Politicians Pushed Back
Watertown Public Opinion: Amendment W offers tougher ethics enforcement
Argus Leader: Gear Up trials are over but scandal’s legacy to linger in South Dakota
Keloland: Federal Judge Hears The Institute For Free Speech Case
Custer County Chronicle: Amendment W offers tougher ethics enforcement
Argus Leader: Free speech group sues state ahead of November election
Argus Leader: Still angry over IM22? You have recourse: Your Letters to the Editor for October 7
The Daily Republic: LETTER: Vote yes on W
AP: South Dakota ethics measure supporters release first TV ads
Vermillion Plain Talk: Live Music In Support Of Amendment W
Huron Plainsman: Controversial proposed amendment among five measures to be decided
September 2018
Watertown Public Opinion: Letter: Support Amendment W
Capitol Journal: Amendment W offers tougher ethics enforcement
August 2018
Yankton Daily: Anti-corruption volunteer events planned
CBS: Democrat cowboy-turned-lawmaker hopes to become South Dakota governor
WNAX: Amendment “W” Backers Set Public Meetings
July 2018
AP: Critics concerned about power of initiative’s ethics panel
June 2018
WNAX: South Dakota Business Group Opposing Amendment “W”
May 2018
Rapid City Journal: Ballot offers voters chance to change government
Aberdeen News: Amendment W would cover some of Suttons Agenda
Rapid City Journal: Sutton proposes anti-corruption plan
AP: Democratic Governor Releases Transparency Plan
March 2018
Capital Journal: A new standard for public ethics in South Dakota
February 2018
Black Hills Pioneer: Legislative Cracker Barrel highlights busy session
January 2018
Argus Leader: My Voice: Another chance to clean up state government
WNAX: South Dakota Ballot Issues Critical Component of Democracy
Yankton Daily: Ethics Measures: Public Vs. Pierre?
December 2017
Washington Post: Ethics measure approved to be on South Dakota’s 2018 ballot
AP: Across the US, citizens speak — and lawmakers don’t listen
AP: State lawmakers blur line between public, personal interests
November 2017
Bismarck Tribune: In S.D., direct democracy has gained support
Kelo: Eight measures one step closer to 18 ballot
October 2017
AP: Ballot question campaigns seek signatures as deadline looms
Dakota Free Press: 50K + Signatures Show IM 22 2.0 Bigger than Out-of-State Cash
AP: The Latest: Ethics plan backers submit signatures for 2018
KWSN: Boxes of signatures dumped in Pierre
DRGNews.coms: Bipartisan group submits petition signatures to vet Voter Protection and Anti-Corruption Amendment on the 2018 Ballot
WNAX: SD Voter Protection Amendment Petitions Delivered
Dakota Free Press: Represent SD Promises 50K Signatures on Voter Protection and Anti-Corruption Petition
AP: Officials open to addressing initiative campaign finance gap
September 2017
Yankton Daily: Anti-Corruption Event Set for Yankton
AP: South Dakota Campaign Finance Reform Group Sees Low Turnout
August 2017
TIME: States Not Congress, Hosting Biggest Political Money Fight
Yankton Daily: Anti-Corruption Petition Drive Races for Deadline
AP: Initiative Backers Need You to Get on the Ballot; Learn More
U.S. News & World Report: South Dakota Ballot Measure Would Let People Vote at Home
July 2017 Citizens Gather Petition Signatures For Newly Proposed Anti-Corruption Amendment
KOTA Territory ABC News: Represent South Dakota petitioning to fight corruption in state government
Dakota Free Press: Represent SD Launching Petition to Write Much of IM 22 Plus Ballot-Measure Protection into Constitution
U.S. News & World Report: Ethics amendment backers to start push to get on 2018 ballot
U.S. News & World Report: Mug Shot, Ethics and Lobbying Laws Take Effect
June 2017
Watertown Public Opinion: Ballot-measures task force meets again today in Pierre
Hub City Radio: Four anti-corruption measures proposed for next year’s ballot
U.S. News & World Report: Anti-Tampering Measure Backers Hope to Get Signatures Soon
KWSN Sports Radio: Proposed Constitutional Amendment stemming from IM22 moves forward
KEVN Black Hills Fox: Petitions will circulate to keep SD Legislature from circumventing voter-approved laws
May 2017
AP: Lawmakers Choose Leaders for Studies Ahead of 2018 Session
KSFY: Group proposes new constitutional amendment on government ethics
AP: Amendment Backers Hope to Tap Anger Over Ethics Law Repeal
April 2017
Yankton Daily: Anti-Corruption Forums Planned in SD
AP: After repeal, ethics law supporters to push ballot amendment
Dakota Free Press: Represent SD Submits Initiated Amendment to Protect Ballot Measures and Restore Some of IM22
March 2017
Kelo: Government Ethics protests held
Capital Journal: Protesters gather Saturday to oppose IM-22 repeal
KSFY: Protesters hit the streets for anti-corruption rally Pierre Holds Post-Anti-Corruption Forum Rally Saturday March 25th
KEVN: IM 22 supporters unhappy about its replacements, deciding what’s next
KSOO: ‘Represent Us South Dakota’ Resumes Anti-Corruption Battle
KSFY: Gov. Daugaard signs additional measures to replace IM 22, among other bills
WNAX: IM22 Supporters Not Happy with Outcome of the SD Legislature
KSFY: Honoring the will of South Dakota voters
U.S. News and World Report: Gov. Dennis Daugaard Signs Raft of Ethics Measures Into Law
U.S. News and World Report: Senate Lawmakers Approve State Government Watchdog Board
U.S. News and World Report: Senate OKs Limit on Gifts Officials Can Get From Lobbyists
February 21 — 28, 2017
True Dakotan: Wind tower funding, education and IM-22 among topics discussed at legislative cracker barrel
Dakota Free Press: Legislators Resist Checks on Own Power and Public Input on IM 22 “Replacements”
Rapid City Journal: Flood of bills addresses IM22 provisions
AP News: South Dakota considers creating government watchdog board
U.S. News and World Report: South Dakota House Approves Limits on Out-of-state Donations
February 11 — 20, 2017
Daily Kos: Voting Rights Roundup: New study confirms just how racially discriminatory voter ID laws truly are
Dakota Free Press: SB 53: Senate Republicans Stop Campaign Finance Ethics Commission
Rapid City Journal: Candy-filled ‘gift’ watches to legislators cause uproar
AP News: South Dakota tries to limit outsiders’ money in initiatives
U.S. News and World Report: Senate Committee Considers Campaign Finance Overhaul
Saporta Report: When we drain that swamp, where do we sink the pump?
Watertown Public Opinion: Cracker barrel packs ’em in
Rapid City Journal: MERCER: IM 22 having big impact on Legislature
KEVN: Piedmont Cracker Barrel gets heated with Initiated Measure 22
February 4 — 10, 2017
Brooklyn Reporter: We the People: Hands off the Johnson, Donald!
Go Watertown: Supporters of now-repealed Measure 22 weighing their options (AUDIO)
Rapid City Journal: Repeal of IM22 dominates crackerbarrell
CNN: South Dakota GOP Repeals Anti-Corruption Law
Aberdeen News: Letter: Ethics measure IM 22 was needed
Rapid City Journal: IM 22 dominates Saturday’s crackerbarrel session
Rapid City Journal: OURS: Lawmakers must earn voters’ trust
KSFY: Legislative coffee brings out large crowd
Dakota Free Press: IM22 Repeal Goes Over Poorly at Aberdeen Crackerbarrel
February 3, 2017
The Washington Post: South Dakota Republicans just got rid of the state’s first independent ethics commission
Arkansas Democrat Gazette: S.D. lawmakers’ bill guts voter-approved ethics initiatives
Governing: Voters Passed an Ethics Law. 3 Months Later, the State Repealed It.
The Wall Street Journal: South Dakota Governor Signs Measure Reversing Voter Ethics
Moyers: Morning Reads: Donald Trump Prepares to Dismantle Banking Regs; New CIA Deputy Director Oversaw Torture
Nonprofit Quarterly: Rambling Trump National Prayer Breakfast Speech Targets Johnson Amendment
Jurist: South Dakota lawmakers repeal voter-approved anti-corruption law
MSNBC: Today in Republican Governance
Kota TV: IM22 supporters buzz South Dakota’s Legislators
February 2, 2017
The Huffington Post: South Dakota Senate Repeals Voter-Backed Anti-Corruption Law
AP News: South Dakota Senate sends ethics law repeal to governor
The Huffington Post: HUFFPOST HILL – New President, Who Dis?
CNN: South Dakota GOP uses ’emergency’ rules to repeal anti-corruption law BREAKING: SD Senate repeals Anti-Corruption Act
Daily Kos: South Dakota GOP literally declares ‘state of emergency’ to repeal voter-approved ethics reform law
Custer Free Press: Daugaard Signs House Bill 1069, Repeals IM22 – Disregarding The Will Of The Voters.
February 1, 2017
NPR: South Dakota Lawmakers Set To Repeal Recent Ethics Reforms
AP News: The Latest: Senate sends ethics law repeal to governor
The Huffington Post: South Dakota GOP Repeals Anti-Corruption Act Passed By Voters
KeloLand: HB 1069 Protest Takes To The Sky Over Pierre
WUWM: South Dakotans Voted For Tougher Ethics Laws, But Lawmakers Object
January 28 — 31, 2017
LSE US Centre: State of the States: New York’s tax hike, Georgia rethinking death penalty and South Dakota ethics reform: 21 – 27 January
Governing: Don’t Like the Ballot Measure Voters Approved? Just Ignore It, Some Lawmakers Say.
TigerDroppings: South Dakota has no ethics…. or democracy
Kelo: Fiery radio debate in Sioux Falls over IM 22
Yankton Daily Press & Dakotan: Deciding IM22: Showdown Set Today For Fate Of Ethics Bill
The Young Turks: Meet the Politicians Who Voted FOR Corruption!
Medium: South Dakota legislature’s “State of Emergency” will block voters from deciding new ethics laws
Rapid City Journal: Lawmakers not listening to voters
AP News: South Dakota lawmakers could scrap voter-backed ethics rules
Rapid City Journal: OURS: Lawmakers only protecting themselves
Yankton Daily Press & Dakotan: Debate Over IM22 Dominates Legislative Forum
Argus Leader: Letter: S.D. politics a ‘national laughingstock’
January 27, 2017
The New York Times: South Dakota Lawmakers Snuffing Out Ethics Reform Referendum
Daily Kos: GOP Steps Up Efforts To Create “Managed Democracy” In Order To Maintain Power
Daily Kos: Voting Rights Roundup: Republicans around the country plot to gerrymander the Electoral College
People for the American Way: South Dakota Lawmakers Declare ‘State of Emergency’ to Block Reform
KeloLand: Political Scientist Weighs In On HB 1069
January 26, 2017
Crooks and Liars: South Dakota In ‘State Of Emergency’ To Repeal Ethics Reform
The Bulletin: Around the World
Esquire: The American Tradition of Protest Is Under Attack in Trump’s United States
Huffington Post: These Are The Ethics Reforms That South Dakota Republicans Are Hustling To Repeal
Pillar of Law Institute: South Dakota’s Measure 22 and the Dangers of Democracy
Capital Journal: SD senate delays vote on repeal of IM 22’s ethics overhaul
Yankton Daily Press & Dakotan: Local Activist Vows To Keep IM 22
January 25, 2017
The New York Times: South Dakota Legislators Seek Hasty Repeal of Ethics Law Voters Passed
The Washington Post: South Dakota lawmakers are showing us that populism is a lie
USA Today: S.D. lawmakers move to gut ethics initiative
ATTN: How an Anti-Corruption Referendum Is Being Overturned by Republican Legislators
Variety: Adam McKay: Trump’s ‘Logjam of News’ Distracting From Move to Gut S.D. Anti-Corruption Measure
Salon: South Dakota Republicans’ “state of emergency” is a brazen political coup against anti-corruption law
Daily Kos: Morning Digest: South Carolina’s new GOP governor refuses to leave his all-white country club
Care2: South Dakota Declaring ‘Emergency’ to Eliminate Ethics Rules
ThinkProgress: South Dakota GOP declares state of emergency to wipe out ethics reform
Merry Jane: South Dakota Republicans Plan to Gut Independent Ethics Commission
January 24, 2017
The Hill: SD Republicans move to dismantle voter-passed ethics reforms
International Business Times: Government Ethics Laws: South Dakota Lawmakers Using Emergency Powers To Overturn An Anti-Corruption Ballot Measure
MSNBC: Tuesday’s Mini-Report, 1.24.17
World News Report: Government Ethics Laws: South Dakota Lawmakers Using Emergency Powers To Overturn An Anti-Corruption Ballot Measure
One News Page: SD Legislature poised to repeal voter-approved ethics law
The Young Turks: Corrupt Politicians Scramble To Protect Their Bribes
The Young Turks: South Dakota declares ‘state of emergency’ in order to repeal ethics law
KDLT: House Approves Bill To Repeal Government Ethics Overhaul
Quomodocumque: In Which South Dakota Can’t Actually Do That
Independent Voter Network: Swamp Bites Back: S.D. Lawmakers Declare “Emergency” to Overturn Anti-Corruption Act
Argus Leader: Lawmakers vote to gut ethics law, call on voters to ‘give us a chance’
January 23, 2017
NY Daily News: South Dakota lawmakers plan to repeal anti-lobbyist restrictions put on them by voters
Huffington Post: South Dakota GOP Rushes To Repeal Ethics Reforms Passed By Voters
Daily Kos: Wow: South Dakota GOP will declare ‘state of emergency’ to repeal voter-approved ethics reform law
Kota TV: SD Republicans take first step to kill voter-approved ethics measure
Yankton Daily Press & Dakotan: Weighing The Fate Of IM22
Kelo: Both sides of IM 22 do battle in Pierre
Action Family Heritage Alliance: Dale’s FHA Action Blog – Day 9
Yankton Daily Press & Dakotan: Action Picks Up At The State Capitol
January 1, 2017 — January 22, 2018
Kelo: 22 is prompting changes
In These Times: Progressives Are the New Silent Majority
Argus Leader: Letter: Followthrough with IM 22
Argus Leader: Ethics law supporters appeal case to Supreme Court
Kelo: Appeal of IM 22 Injunction Filed With South Dakota Supreme Court
AP News: Ethics Measure supporters take aim at Republican lawmakers
Argus Leader: Taxpayers footing more for lawmakers to travel
The Hill: SD legislators vote down ban on sexual contact with interns
Capital Journal: IM-22: Limitation on gifts
Rapid City Journal: Ours: Governor should back ethics reform
SDPB Radio: Secretary of State Krebs Favors State Ethics Commission
Dakota Free Press: Belfrage Talks Ethics Commission with Heidelberger and Nelson
Vermillion Plain Talk: Initiated Measure 22 Kickoff Event in Vermillion Jan. 7
December 2016
Dakota Free Press: IM22 Protest Planned for Capitol January 10; Chamber Hosts Dinner and Drinks Afterward
News Center 1: IM-22 Sponsor: ‘This is worth fighting about’
Dakota Free Press: Jackley Asks Barnett to Reinstate IM22 Limits on Campaign Finance and Lobbyists
The Huffington Post: The Future Of Campaign Finance Reform Is At The State and Local Level
The Hill: Portland plans public financing for city campaigns
The Daily Progress: Attorney General says ethics commission should be embraced
The Southern Illinoisan: South Dakota Judge puts government ethics overhaul on hold
One News Page: Both sides for voter-approved IM 22 brace for a fight
The Hill: VA retaliation proves that Free Speech I fought to defend is under assault
The Virginian-Pilot: Hendrick Smith: A lesson in political reform from South Dakota
Center for American Progress: Americans Demand Democracy at the Polls
November 2016
KWSN: State lawmakers take voter-approved law to court
Sioux City Journal: Foes file lawsuit challenging voter-approved ethics measure
Rapid City Journal: OURS: Lawmakers, leave ballot measure alone
Urban Milwaukee: Five States Vote for Democratic Reforms
Bill Moyers: And Now, For Some Good News
IVN: Sanders-Backed ‘Our Revolution’ Scores Major Victories on Election Day
Huffington Post: Voters Back Landmark Campaign Finance Reform in South Dakota
Medium: Election day: Only Josh Silver Won
Vox: Maine passes ranked choice voting, South Dakota approves campaign vouchers
Slate: A Few Ways America Got a Little Better Tuesday Night
AP News: GOP hold on South Dakota deepens with election sweep
Alternet: Successful Initiatives to Help Address Inequality
AP News: Credits offer new avenue for funding political campaigns
CNN Politics: Key ballot measures: More states vote to legalize marijuana
AP News: Most Initiatives Fail, but public campaign finance passes
AP News: The Latest: Voters choose to allow public campaign finance
Time: Liberals Counter Election Losses With Ballot Measure Victories
October 2016
New York Times: South Dakota Voters have choices to reshape state government
Aberdeen News: Group helping with campaign finance reform in South Dakota
Watertown Public Opinion: Trust in government a rare thing
Slate: A proxy war over political transparency
Argus Leader: IM 22 backers say state ethics commission would deter corruption
Forbes: Escalating The War On Free Speech: South Dakota’s Measure 22