GeorgiaInstant Runoff Voting
Campaign Status: Pending
The Policy
HB200 would give local officials in Georgia the option to conduct elections in cities and towns using Instant Runoff Voting (IRV).
Georgia is one of only three states in the country to hold runoff elections for general election contests. If no candidate wins a majority of the vote in the general, the two candidates with the most votes advance to a runoff.
After high-profile U.S. Senate races went to unnecessary and expensive runoffs in 2020 and 2022, there’s bipartisan momentum toward changing Georgia’s elections to an Instant Runoff Voting (IRV) system. City elections are a great place to introduce this concept to the electorate – often these races are mostly non-partisan, which means they can attract larger fields of candidates.
Who’s Involved?
RepresentUs is working with Ballot Ballot Georgia to give voters better choices at the ballot and bring Instant Runoff Voting to Georgia.
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The Latest On This Campaign

Georgia could try ranked-choice voting in cities under new bill
Feb 2 2023
A bill introduced in the Georgia House would allow cities to hold elections with ranked-choice voting, eliminating runoffs at the local level.
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Instant runoff voting bill introduced in Georgia House
Feb 2 2023
Measure would allow cities to test ranked-choice balloting to avoid expensive runoffs.
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First IRV bill dropped in 2023 Session
Feb 2 2023
If passed, it would allow municipalities in Georgia to employ Instant Runoff Voting (IRV) in their elections.
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