New JerseyRCV for Municipal and School Board Elections

Campaign Status: Pending

The Policy

The Municipal and School Board Voting Options Act (S 3369 / A 5039) would give voters the power to choose to use RCV for their local elections. State election law does not currently permit this, stifling the ability for local leaders and their constituents to make decisions about how to run their local elections.


In December 2021, the city council of Hoboken voted unanimously to pass an RCV “trigger ordnance,” which will put the question of RCV in local elections before Hoboken voters after enabling legislation is passed by the state.

Building on that success, our Represent New Jersey chapter has been hard at work advocating for a better government for all New Jersey voters. Ranked Choice Voting would be a huge step in the right direction, and introducing this reform at the local level is a great way to make that happen.

Who’s Involved?

RepresentUs is supporting Represent NJ and Voter Choice NJ in their campaign to give New Jersey voters better choices at the ballot.


You can make an impact on this campaign no matter where you live.