ArizonaDefend Ranked Choice Voting
Campaign Status: Victory!
The Policy
Oppose efforts to ban the use of Ranked Choice Voting in the state of Arizona and educate the public and legislators on the benefits of RCV
In 2023, Arizona lawmakers introduced HCR 2033 which sought to ban any attempt to reform the primary or the nomination process. RepresentUs worked with in-state partners to build pressure to oppose this measure which resulted in the Governor’s successful veto of this ban attempt.
Despite this success, Arizona has a number of election deniers in positions of power who will continue to oppose Ranked Choice Voting and efforts that give more power to the voters.
Who’s Involved?
RepresentUs works with a number of partners in Arizona including Make It Fair AZ, Voter Choice AZ and Better Ballot AZ.
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The Latest On This Campaign

Ranked choice voting and open primaries: Here's how voting in Arizona could change after 2024
Dec 15 2023
Arizonans could have a handful of options to change the way we elect candidates to office.
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As ranked choice voting gains momentum, parties in power push back
Aug 21 2023
This year, several states banned the increasingly popular voting system.
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Arizona Opinion: Hobbs was right to veto voting bill
Apr 20 2023
RCV has the benefit of creating a natural disincentive to negative campaigning, as candidates will need to compete beyond their base in order to win.
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