MinnesotaCampaign Finance & Implementation of Voter Access Laws
Campaign Status: Victory!
The Policy
Pass a second package of reform bills centered on state voting rights, campaign finance, and implementation of Democracy for the People Act passed in 2023
Additionally, we worked alongside We Choose Us MN to incorporate more improvements in this year’s omnibus elections bill (HF 4772) which includes a State Voting Rights Act and an end to the practice of prison gerrymandering, now requiring voters experiencing incarceration to be counted at their last home address for the purposes of redistricting.
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The Latest On This Campaign

Minnesota gets A plus rating for voter access
Jan 23 2024
Minnesota had a massive year of voter-access legislation, and the DFL-led chambers just got confirmation that they are one of few states that stepped up in 2023 to make sweeping changes for voters.
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3 cheers for ranked-choice voting? Here's how it works
Oct 31 2023
According to FairVote Minnesota, the process "levels the playing field" and "improves and strengthens our democracy," giving voters "more choice and more voice."
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Opinion: Cheers to a better election system in Minnesota
May 9 2023
Secretary of State Steve Simon celebrated the signing of the Democracy for the People Act — a top legislative priority for pro-democracy elections advocates in Minnesota.
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