Campaign Summary
In 2017, Represent North Dakota members joined with the “Badass Grandmas” of North Dakotans for Public Integrity to create and campaign for a sweeping Anti-Corruption Amendment, Measure 1. The voters of North Dakota approved of Measure 1 in November 2018. The Amendment will increase transparency and accountability, root out conflicts of interest, restrict lobbyist gifts, and tighten campaign-finance laws.
November 2018
November 2, 2018
NDPI garners national press with stories in U.S. News & World Report, featuring an interview with Dina Butcher and Ellen Chaffee, and an AP News story that’s picked up in 42 outlets, reaches over 5 million people
October 2018
October 28, 2018
The Huffington Post highlights anti-corruption initiative in North Dakota
October 24, 2018
“Badass Grandmas” Ellen Chaffee and Dina Butcher continue to discuss importance of Measure 1 at forums, on radio shows
October 14, 2018
North Dakotans for Public Integrity covered by national media. Badass Grandmas profiled in Politico, Newsweek, and the Hill
October 12, 2018
- Volunteers testimonial videos start running on social media platforms
- Radio spot launches
October 10, 2018
Forums held across state
October 4, 2018
Coalition for Integrity gives North Dakota worst score possible in S.W.A.M.P. Index (States With Anti-Corruption Measures for Public officials)
October 1, 2018
Leading First Amendment organization concludes Measure 1’s transparency laws “consistent in every respect with the First Amendment” and “would further the same interests that the U.S. Supreme Court has embraced for decades as the core First Amendment benefits of disclosure.”
September 2018
September 24, 2018
Front group for out-of-state special interests, calling itself “North Dakotans for Sound Government,” announces that it will oppose Measure 1
June 2018
June 23, 2018
Statewide conservative tour, including Take Back Our Republic
June 18, 2018
Campaign submits over 38,000 signatures to Secretary of State calling for a vote on the Anti-Corruption Amendment
May 2018

November 2016
November 8, 2016
- Voters in South Dakota pass nation’s first statewide Anti-Corruption Act, IM-22
- North Dakota activists inspired, hope to forge own version, invite South Dakota leaders to ND
November 2015
November 9, 2015
North Dakota given D- in State Integrity Investigation
Press Hits
November 6 – 9, 2018
The Daily Beast: The Counterattack Against Rigged Elections Begins as Reform Succeeds in Several States
Prairie Public News: Ethics initiative leader meeting with opponents, to look for common ground
The Dickinson Press: Victorious ND Measure 1 supporters expect more work, lawsuits
Citizen Truth: Progressive Measures Sweep the Country in Midterm Elections
New York Daily News: House Dems, tackle corruption first
The Dickinson Press: North Dakota voters favor measure to update language of qualified electors
Sightline Institute: Cascadia Midterm Election Results 2018: Ballot Measure Edition
U.S. News & World Report: Voters Say Yes to Overhaul of Government Ethics, No to Pot
MyNDnow: Measure 1 Brings Changes to How ND Laws are Passed Many states pass campaign finance reform measures during midterms
San Francisco Chronicle: The Latest: Jaeger: Eighth term will be his last
The Bismarck Tribune: Yes votes take pronounced lead on ethics measure
November 1 – 5, 2018
KVRR: What You Need to Know: A Breakdown of the North Dakota Measures on the Ballot
Sludge: NYC Progressives Coalesce Around Campaign Finance Ballot Initiative
Newsmax: Accepting the Election Results Despite Illegal and Suppressed Votes
VOA News: Voters Also Weigh in on Dozens of Ballot Measures
Minot Daily News: ND needs ethics commission
The Hill: Spirit of political reform is true bipartisan force in the election
The Bismarck Tribune: State, federal issues draw debate in 2018 election season
The Advocate: Get Educated On North Dakota Ballot Measures
U.S. News & World Report: State and Local Citizen Initiatives Put Democracy on the Ballot
AP News Voters to decide whether North Dakota needs ethics watchdog
Grand Forks Herald: Commentary: Measure 1 opponents running scared
October 21 – 31, 2018
KVRR: Community Members Show Support for Proposed North Dakota Anti-Corruption Amendment
Grand Forks Herald: Heitkamp, Cramer reveal positions on North Dakota ballot measures
The Bismarck Tribune: Why to vote for Measure 1
The Bismarck Tribune: Ethics commission makes sense
Grand Forks Herald: Will North Dakota’s Measure 1 stifle or enhance political discourse? Opponents, supporters disagree
The Huffington Post: Fighting Corruption Is On The Ballot In 3 States And 2 Cities This November
Minot Daily News: Debate over Measure 1 understandable
Adams County Record: Omdahl: Sauce for the Goose but not the Gander
Minot Daily News: Anti-corruption amendment generates fervor on opposing sides
Real Clear Politics Reform Movement Picks Up Steam Ahead of Midterms
Grand Forks Herald: Measure 1 supporters cite questionable practices by ND elected officials
October 11 – 20, 2018
Inforum: Ethics Commission needed
Grand Forks Herald: Measure 1 supporters say lobbyist reports bolster their case
High Plains Reader: ‘Sunshine Disinfects’
National Catholic Register: Many Key Issues to Be Decided in State-Level Elections
The American Prospect: Democracy Is on the Ballot
The Bismarck Tribune: Ethics policy finalized for North Dakota governor’s office
Newsweek: Who are the ‘Badass Grandmas’?: Group of North Dakota Women Fight Against Government Corruption With New Ballot Initiative
Politico: Badass Grannies, activists push to clean up government
The Hill: North Dakota activists dub themselves ‘Badass Grandmas’ taking on government corruption
Firenews: Badass Grannies, activists push to clean up government
Politics USA: Badass Grandmas Turned Activists Push To Clear Up Authorities Corruption
The Bismarck Tribune: Vagueness of Measure 1 raises concerns
Hillsboro Banner: Measure No. 1 informational session to be held Sunday
Inforum: ND political groups to host free screenings of “Dark Money”
Citizen Truth: How corrupt is your state? Check their SWAMP rating
Quartz: Which US state is most corruption-prone? Look away, North Dakota
Bismarck Tribune: North Dakota needs Measure 1
West Fargo Pioneer: District 45, 13 candidates get voice at voter forum
WDAY: 970 WDAY On Demand: The Mike McFeely Show – Guest Host Jim Shaw, Dina Butcher, Measure 1…
October 1 – 10, 2018
High Plains Reader: The Depth of the Valley
Grand Forks Herald: Mike Jacobs: Consequential questions on ND ballot
Inforum: Ballot measure forum Oct. 11 at NDSU
Inforum: Grande: Join me in voting “no” on Measure 1
The Dickinson Press: Commentary: No longer should the fox guard the henhouse
The Wall Street Journal: New ‘SWAMP’ Index Ranks States on Public Corruption Laws
KFYR-TV: Latest SRA poll results on state measures
Williston Herald: Secretary of State talks election
The Bismarck Tribune : Ethics commission right for state
Inforum: Commentary: Supposed “anti-corruption” amendment supporters don’t get to ignore the text of their own measure North Dakota Ballot Measure One Addresses Government Ethics
High Plains Reader: “Something to hide”
September, 2018
Grand Forks Herald: Lloyd Omdahl: Measure 1 to fight corruption
Inforum: 2 groups oppose ND’s anti-corruption Measure 1
Grand Forks Herald: 2 groups oppose ND’s anti-corruption Measure 1: Organizations speak out against amendment, calling it poorly written and possibly unconstitutional
Adams County Record: Omdahl: Measure One to Fight Corruption
US News: North Dakota Chamber Opposing Ethics, Marijuana Measures
IVN: Unrigging The System: How Voters Can Reclaim Their Power This November
US News: Panel Reviews North Dakota Ballot Measure Costs; Pot Is Tops
Grand Forks Herald: Report identifies $6.6 million price tag for legalizing marijuana in ND, but tax revenue unknown Presentation About Measure #1 Coming to Valley City
The Bismarck Tribune: Nuanced trends in N.D. direct democracy
Grand Forks Herald: Mike Jacobs: Some measures reflect voter anxiety
Public News Service: Are ND Voters Poised to Fight Political Corruption This November?
August, 2018
Grand Forks Herald: Commentary: Antigua Jim is reason enough for an ethics measure
Real Clear Politics: The Media Are Missing a Movement
Inside Sources: Proposed North Dakota Ethics Amendment May Violate the First Amendment
Inforum: Letter: Greater North Dakota chamber hosted biased forum
KFGO: Dina Butcher on Measure 1 debate and ethics commission proposal
WDAY: The Mike McFeely Show
NDxPlains: Anti-Corruption Backers Should Welcome Rep. Jim Kasper As the Lead Opponent to Measure
West Fargo Pioneer: The new election year norm: North Dakota voters consider several ballot measures
Grand Forks Herald: ND ethics measure opponents call it ‘witch hunt’
AP: North Dakota Measures Assigned Ballot Numbers for Election
The Bismarck Tribune: State needs ethics committee
July 2018
AP / Times Union: Stenehjem: Lawmakers warned of panel’s spending authority
KFGO Former ND State Audit Manager Gordy Smith: If work helped make good decisions, “that was something to be proud of”
Jamestown Sun: Commentary: $260,000 to collect signatures despite claiming it was a “volunteer” effort
Prairie Public News: Ethics measure’ will be on the Nov. ballot in ND
AP: North Dakota Ethics Measure Approved for November Ballot
Lobby Comply Blog: Anti-Corruption Measure to Appear on North Dakota Ballot
SayAnythingBlog: A Bunch of Hollywood Celebrities Just Bought Their Way Onto North Dakota’s Ballot Amendment added to ballot to address government transparency
Jamestown Sun: Anti-corruption measure headed for North Dakota ballot
Bismarck Tribune: Measure for ethics commission to appear on N.D.’s November ballot
June 2018
The Dickinson Press: Commentary: Deep pocketed interests routinely buy their way onto North Dakota’s ballot Anti-Corruption Amendment could be on the ballot this November
WDAY/WDAZ: ND anti-corruption petition gathers enough signatures
Prairie Public News: Anti-corruption’ measure backers submit petitions for an initiated Constitutional measure
The Dickinson Press: Commentary: Thanks to paid petitioners, group behind ethics ballot measure to turn in signatures 3 weeks early
May 2018
The Minute Man Blog: Bismarck Mayor Campaigns on Taxpayer Dime
InForum: Ethics of the 1900s No Longer Good Enough
InForum: Say ‘No’ to Proposed Ethics Commission Measure
April 2018
WDAY: New Fargo group joins national effort to tackle corruption
High Plains Reader: North Dakota Voters Under Attack
March 2018
Inside Sources: Group Pushes to Limit the Influence of $$ in North Dakota Politics…By Bringing in Major Liberal Donors
WDAY: Group seeks to force ND Legislature to form ethics commission
February 2018
KFGO: Dina Butcher and Ellen Chaffee on initiated measure to establish ethics commission in ND
Minot Daily News: State group promoting government ethics seeks ballot measure
January 2018
InForum: Proposed ballot measure seeks ND ethics commission, other anti-corruption policies in state constitution
The Seattle Times: North Dakota group backs government ethics overhaul measure
KFGO: Anti-Corruption Amendment Filed in North Dakota
SayAnythingBlog: Ethics Commission Measure Submitted to Secretary of State for Approval
SayAnythingBlog: Senator Jon Casper: Legislature Has Already Taken Steps to Improve Transparency and Ethics
WDAZ: Commentary: Does North Dakota need an ethics commission?
Bismarck Tribune: Proposed ballot measured filed by North Dakotans for Public Integrity
NDxPlains: Anti-Corruption Amendment Filed in North Dakota
U.S. News & World Report: North Dakota Group Backs Government Ethics Overhaul Measure
Grand Forks Herald: Proposed ballot measure seeks ND ethics commission, other anti-corruption policies in state constitution
SayAnythingBlog: Draft of Potential Ethics Amendment Ballot Measure Being Circulated by Former Democratic Lt. Governor Candidate