Campaign Summary

In 2018, Missouri voters passed Clean Missouri, a landmark anti-corruption law to tighten contribution limits and lobbying gift laws, close the revolving door, increase transparency, and end partisan gerrymandering. But before it could even be implemented, politicians got to work on a plan to overturn the will of the voters, putting repeal of Clean Missouri on the 2020 ballot. Amendment 3, the “Dirty Missouri” amendment, makes it easier than ever for politicians to rig voting districts for political gain. Defeating Amendment 3 would have kept power in the hands of Missouri voters, not politicians.

Connect to the campaign

November 2020

November 3, 2020

Amendment 3 earns 51% of the vote, narrowly passing.

The campaign promises to continue the fight for fair maps, saying that the “broad, bipartisan coalition that passed the Clean Missouri Amendment will be active and engaged in the 2021 redistricting process to ensure that voters and communities come first in new maps, not politicians.”

October 2020

October 15, 2020

Actor Jennifer Lawrence releases a video in support of the No on 3 campaign.

October 13, 2020

No on 3 launches its second TV ad, “A Big Gift to Politicians.”

September 2020

September 29, 2020

No on 3 launches its first TV ad, “Don’t Fall for Politicians’ Tricks.”

September 22, 2020

National redistricting experts come together to oppose Amendment 3. RepresentUs Executive Director Josh Silver, redistricting expert and Professor of Law at Loyola Law school Justin Levitt, and President of Common Cause Karen Hobert Flynn all condemn Amendment 3: 

“Amendment 3 would make Missouri the worst state in the country when it comes to gerrymandering …Politicians and their friends should not draw district lines behind closed doors. The voices of Missourians would be stifled for the next decade if this passes. Politicians are putting their interests first with Amendment 3, but citizens have the opportunity to remind them who is in charge by voting no.” – Josh Silver, RepresentUs

August 2020

August 31, 2020

The Western District Court of Appeals orders a new ballot summary to be put on the ballot, ruling that politicians illegally tried to deceive voters about their Amendment 3 gerrymandering scheme.

August 27, 2020

Civil rights leaders file an amicus brief in support of the challenge to Amendment 3’s misleading ballot language, saying that “the summary statement … misleads voters into believing that Amendment 3 would provide people of color with additional voting-rights protections, when in reality, it would strip away the very protections added only two years ago.”

August 26, 2020

A bipartisan group of former legislators files an amicus brief in support of the challenge to Amendment 3, saying that “Voters need to know if they are being asked to change a decision they just made in the last election. They need to know if they are being asked to approve a redistricting process that would render elections less fair and less competitive.”

August 17, 2020

A Missouri judge rules that Amendment 3’s ballot summary is “misleading, unfair, and insufficient.

August 7, 2020

A circuit court judge hears arguments in the challenge to Amendment 3’s misleading ballot summary. Almost immediately, the politician-backed opposition group files an appeal.

July 2020

July 26, 2020

100 days before election day, the Clean Missouri campaign unveils an overwhelming bipartisan coalition in opposition to Amendment 3. The coalition includes 100 elected and civic leaders, 100 faith leaders, and 100 organizations.

June 2020

June 29, 2020

SJR38 is officially placed on the ballot as Amendment 3.

May, 2020

May 18, 2020

Missouri citizens file a lawsuit in Cole County Circuit Court to block the dishonest ballot language crafted by Missouri politicians to mislead voters about the amendment.

The ballot language claims that the amendment would ban lobbyist gifts. In reality, Measure 3 only changes gift limits by $5. The summary claims to create an independent redistricting commission. In reality, Measure 3 removes independent oversight and puts redistricting in the hands of politicians and political parties.

May 15, 2020

The Missouri House of Representatives passes SJR38, referring the repeal of the Clean Missouri law to the ballot.

May 4, 2020

Former U.S. Senator John C. Danforth (R), opposes the attempt to repeal Clean Missouri:

“Now, however, the people’s amendment is under attack. In the midst of the current public health crisis, our state Legislature is seeking to place a new constitutional amendment on an upcoming ballot. It would overturn voter-approved redistricting reforms before they could ever take effect. Instead, it would substitute a redistricting scheme more extreme than Missouri has ever seen. Indeed, if the proposed constitutional amendment is fully enacted, Missouri’s legislative maps could be more gerrymandered than any in the country.”

February 2020

February 12, 2020

President of the St. Louis NAACP and Co-President of the League of Women Voters of Metro St. Louis oppose SJR38:

“Sadly, some politicians and lobbyists in Jefferson City do not want fair district maps and believe that only certain people should count. Resolutions have been fast-tracked in both chambers of our state legislature to replace Amendment 1’s reforms with a less transparent process that would allow extreme partisan gerrymandering and would weaken the strong protections for voters of color that are in our constitution now.”

February 10, 2020

The Missouri Senate passes SJR38.

January, 2020

January 8, 2020

SJR38 has its first reading in the Senate.

If passed, the amendment would overturn 2018’s Clean Missouri law, undermine the current fair and voter-approved redistricting process, and make it much easier for politicians to draw voting districts in their own interest.


November 6, 2018

Voters pass Amendment 1, the Clean Missouri Amendment, by a nearly 2 to 1 margin.

May 3, 2018

The Clean Missouri coalition submits 347,000 signatures to Secretary of State’s office, more than enough to qualify the initiative petition for November 2018 ballot.

Across the state, more than 1,600 volunteers pitch in to circulate the petitions.


November 23, 2016

Clean Missouri files Amendment 1 with the Secretary of State.
