How to Vote by Mail this November
A State-by-State Interactive Guide
Get prepared to #VoteSafe by seeing if you qualify to vote by mail in your state and requesting your ballot early to avoid flooding election officials. Then, share this page with your friends and family to help them #VoteSafe.
We’ve laid out important deadlines for your states, but remember the rule of thumb:
The earlier you request and return your ballot, the better.
Join the anti-corruption movement. Help Americans vote safely in 2020.
What's my state's status?
Can I submit an application online?
What's the deadline to request an application?
What's the deadline to submit my ballot?
How do I get an application?
What's my state's status?
Temporarily allowing Vote by Mail options due to the coronavirus crisis
Applications must be returned in person or by mail to the voter’s Absentee Election Manager.
Can I submit an application online?
We recommend voters request their absentee ballots at least 7 days before the election. The earlier the better!
What's the deadline to request an application?
October 29, 2020.
The absentee ballot application requires a copy of your photo ID. The ballot requires a notary or two witnesses.
What's the deadline to submit my ballot?
By mail: Postmarked by November 2, 2020 and received by noon November 3, 2020.
In person: November 2, 2020 by 5:00 pm.
How do I get an application?
Sec. of State’s Website — Voters who wish to use the Coronavirus crisis as an excuse should choose the “physical illness or infirmity” option.
What's my state's status?
Any voter can request a Vote by Mail ballot (No excuse required)
Voters with a driver’s license or state ID can apply online. Others can fill in, print, sign, and return the PDF application to their Absentee Office by mail, fax or email, attached as PDF, TIFF or JPEG file. Signatures must be handwritten.
Can I submit an application online?
If you’re mailing your application in, be sure it arrives by October 24, 2020. If you’re registering to vote or updating your information, the deadline to apply for an absentee ballot is October 4, 2020. Learn more here!
What's the deadline to request an application?
Must be received by October 24, 2020.
Your ballot will require a witness.
What's the deadline to submit my ballot?
Postmarked on or before Election Day.
What's my state's status?
Any voter can request a Vote by Mail ballot (No excuse required)
What's the deadline to request an application?
October 23, 2020 by 5:00 pm.
Your state recommends voters mail their ballots back by Oct. 28 to ensure it arrives on time.
What's the deadline to submit my ballot?
Must be received by 7:00 pm on Election Day.
What's my state's status?
Temporarily allowing Vote by Mail options due to the coronavirus crisis
Applications must be returned to the voter’s County Clerk. Choose the “illness or physical disability” option if you’re applying to vote by mail due to concerns about the coronavirus.
Can I submit an application online?
What's the deadline to request an application?
By mail: October 27, 2020.
In person: by close of business November 2, 2020.
What's the deadline to submit my ballot?
By mail: October 27, 2020. In person: by close of business November 2, 2020.
What's my state's status?
Vote by Mail is the default (all voters are mailed a ballot)
Due to the coronavirus crisis, all registered voters will be sent a mail ballot for the General Election. Find information on updating your address or locating lost ballots here.
Can I submit an application online?
What's the deadline to request an application?
What's the deadline to submit my ballot?
By mail: Postmarked by Election Day and received within 17 days.
In person: by 8:00 pm on Election Day.
How do I get an application?
You’ll be mailed a ballot automatically. Contact the Sec. of State with any questions.
What's my state's status?
Vote by Mail is the default (all voters are mailed a ballot)
All registered voters are automatically sent a mail ballot. Check your voter registration status and make sure your mailing address is up to date before October 26, 2020.
Can I submit an application online?
Your ballot is automatically mailed to you beginning October 9, 2020.
What's the deadline to request an application?
What's the deadline to submit my ballot?
Mail ballots must be received by 7:00 pm on Election day.
Connecticut is allowing all voters to Vote by Mail due to COVID-19.
What's my state's status?
Temporarily allowing Vote by Mail options due to the coronavirus crisis
Connecticut is allowing all voters to apply for absentee ballots due to the pandemic. Check this page for absentee ballot applications for the General Election.
Can I submit an application online?
What's the deadline to request an application?
November 2, 2020.
Ballots can be returned via mail, in person to your Town Clerk’s office, or via the secure drop box that the Office of the Secretary of the State has provided to each town. The secure drop box will likely be located outside of the town hall.
What's the deadline to submit my ballot?
Ballot must be postmarked by November 3, 2020 (Election day) and received by November 5, 2020.
Delaware is allowing all voters to Vote by Mail during due to COVID-19.
What's my state's status?
Temporarily allowing Vote by Mail options due to the coronavirus crisis.
Voters can apply online here or complete the PDF application and return by mail, fax, or email to your county’s Department’s Office.
Can I submit an application online?
What's the deadline to request an application?
October 30, 2020.
Ballots can be mailed or dropped off in-person in a secure ballot drop box at your county elections office.
What's the deadline to submit my ballot?
Must be received by 8:00 pm on Election Day.
What's my state's status?
Any voter can request a Vote by Mail ballot (No excuse required)
Can I submit an application online?
What's the deadline to request an application?
October 24, 2020 by 5:00 pm.
The postal service recommends allowing one week for your ballot to arrive. You can also find secure drop box locations from your Supervisor of Elections.
What's the deadline to submit my ballot?
Must be received by 7:00 pm on Election Day
How do I get an application?
What's my state's status?
Any voter can request a Vote by Mail ballot (No excuse required)
Applications can be downloaded and returned to your County Board of Registrar’s Office in person or by mail, email, or fax.
Can I submit an application online?
What's the deadline to request an application?
October 30, 2020.
If you’re overseas or a member of the military your ballot must arrive within 3 days after the election. But everyone should get it in as early as possible!
What's the deadline to submit my ballot?
Must be received by November 3, 2020 (Election Day).
What's my state's status?
Vote by Mail is the default (all voters are mailed a ballot)
All registered voters are automatically sent a mail ballot. Check your voter registration status and make sure your mailing address is up to date.
Can I submit an application online?
If you don’t receive your ballot, contact your Clerk’s Office.
What's the deadline to request an application?
Your ballot is automatically mailed to you on October 16, 2020.
Your state recommends mailing your ballot back at least 5 days before the Election. The earlier the better!
What's the deadline to submit my ballot?
Must be received by Election Day, through the mail or at a dropbox location.
HI does not have online tracking of ballot status.
How do I get an application?
What's my state's status?
Any voter can request a Vote by Mail ballot (No excuse required)
If you have an Idaho ID and a Social Security number, you can apply online. If you don’t, download an application and return it to your County Clerk.
Can I submit an application online?
What's the deadline to request an application?
Must be received by 8:00 on October 23, 2020 for the General Election.
What's the deadline to submit my ballot?
Must be received by 8:00 pm on Election Day.
What's my state's status?
Any voter can request a Vote by Mail ballot (No excuse required)
Applications can be downloaded and returned by mail, email or in person to your Election Authority.
Can I submit an application online?
What's the deadline to request an application?
Must be received by October 29, 2020.
What's the deadline to submit my ballot?
Must be postmarked by Election Day and received within 14 days.
IL does not have online tracking of ballot status.
How do I get an application?
What's my state's status?
Voters need an “excuse” to request Vote by Mail ballot (“excuse required”)
Registered voters can apply online here; other voters can fill in an application and mail, email, fax, or return in person to their County Election Board.
Can I submit an application online?
What's the deadline to request an application?
October 22, 2020.
What's the deadline to submit my ballot?
Must be received by noon (12:00 pm) on Election Day.
IN does not have online tracking of ballot status.
How do I get an application?
What's my state's status?
Any voter can request a Vote by Mail ballot (No excuse required)
Applications can be downloaded and returned to your county auditor.
Can I submit an application online?
For all elections beyond the general, the deadline is October 23, 2020.
What's the deadline to request an application?
October 24, 2020 by 5:00 pm.
Absentee ballots received after the polls close on election day must be postmarked by the Monday before election day or earlier and received in the county auditor’s office no later than noon on the Monday following the election.
What's the deadline to submit my ballot?
Must be received by close of polls on November 3, 2020 (Election Day).
How do I get an application?
What's my state's status?
Any voter can request a Vote by Mail ballot (No excuse required)
Applications are available in English and Spanish and must be returned to your County Election Official.
Can I submit an application online?
What's the deadline to request an application?
October 27, 2020.
What's the deadline to submit my ballot?
Must be postmarked by November 3, 2020 (Election Day) and received by November 6, 2020.
Kentucky is allowing any voter concerned about contracting COVID-19 to request an absentee ballot.
What's my state's status?
Temporarily allowing Vote by Mail options due to the coronavirus crisis.
What's the deadline to request an application?
Must be received by 4pm EST on October 5, 2020.
What's the deadline to submit my ballot?
Must be received by 6:00 pm on November 3, 2020 (Election Day).
What's my state's status?
Voters need an “excuse” to request Vote by Mail ballot (“excuse required”)
Voters can apply online here by choosing “Search By Voter” and inputting their information. Print and mail applications are also available.
Can I submit an application online?
What's the deadline to request an application?
Must be received by 4:30 pm CST on October 30, 2020.
Your ballot will require a witness’s signature.
What's the deadline to submit my ballot?
Must be received by your registrar by 4:30 pm CST November 2, 2020.
What's my state's status?
Any voter can request a Vote by Mail ballot (No excuse required)
A voter may request to vote in the presence of the clerk or submit a written request to take an absentee ballot outside of the clerk’s presence, up to and including election day.
What's the deadline to request an application?
October 29, 2020.
What's the deadline to submit my ballot?
Received by 8:00 pm on November 3, 2020 (Election Day).
What's my state's status?
Any voter can request a Vote by Mail ballot (No excuse required)
Voters with a Maryland ID can apply online. Others can download an English or Spanish application and mail, fax, email, or apply in person at your local election office.
Can I submit an application online?
Don’t forget: You’ll need a printer if you get your ballot emailed to you!
What's the deadline to request an application?
Must be received by October 20, 2020.
What's the deadline to submit my ballot?
By mail: Postmarked by Election Day and received by 10:00 am November 13. In person: Received by 8:00 pm or close of polls on November 3, 2020 (Election Day).
What's my state's status?
Temporarily allowing Vote by Mail options due to the coronavirus crisis
All voters were mailed an absentee ballot application for the primary. Applications are also available online. You can either sign your application by hand and email an image of your application to your local election office or sign your name using a mouse, stylus, or finger and then send that saved application to your local election office.
Can I submit an application online?
What's the deadline to request an application?
Must be received by October 28, 2020 for the General Election, or August 26, 2020 for the primary.
What's the deadline to submit my ballot?
Postmarked by November 3, 2020 (Election Day) and received by November 6, 2020.
What's my state's status?
Any voter can request a Vote by Mail ballot (No excuse required)
Voters can apply online or download and return their application to their local clerk by mail.
Can I submit an application online?
Applications for the General Election open August 20, 2020.
What's the deadline to request an application?
Must be received by 5:00 pm on October 30, 2020.
What's the deadline to submit my ballot?
Must be received by 8:00 pm on November 3, 2020 (Election Day).
What's my state's status?
Any voter can request a Vote by Mail ballot (No excuse required)
Leave time for election officials to mail your ballot.
What's the deadline to request an application?
You can apply for a ballot any day of the year, except November 3, 2020 (Election Day). Leave time for election officials to mail your ballot.
Your ballot will require a witness’s signature.
What's the deadline to submit my ballot?
By mail: Received by November 3, 2020 (Election Day). In person: Received by 3:00 pm on Election Day.
What's my state's status?
Voters need an “excuse” to request Vote by Mail ballot (“excuse required”)
Use‘s absentee ballot application, sign and date your application, and mail or hand deliver it to your local election office. If you’re an overseas citizen or military member, you can use the form and instructions here to request your mail ballot.
Can I submit an application online?
We recommend requesting your ballot at least 7 days before the election.
What's the deadline to request an application?
Voters can request a ballot anytime within 45 days of the election.
Your ballot must be notarized. A witness over the age of 18 is acceptable for voters who are temporarily or permanently disabled.
What's the deadline to submit my ballot?
By email or fax: Must be received by the Circuit Clerk’s Office by 7:00 pm CST on November 3, 2020 (Election Day). By mail, Must be postmarked by Election Day and received within 5 business days.
How do I get an application?
Use‘s absentee ballot application or contact your local election office. If you’re an overseas citizen or military member, you can use the form and instructions here to request your mail ballot.
Missouri is allowing all voters to vote by mail for the November election due to the pandemic.
What's my state's status?
Temporarily allowing Vote by Mail options due to the coronavirus crisis.
An application may be mailed or dropped off at the county election office.
Can I submit an application online?
What's the deadline to request an application?
October 21, 2020 by 5:00 pm.
Your ballot must be notarized.
What's the deadline to submit my ballot?
Must be received by close of polls, 7:00 pm on November 3, 2020 (Election Day).
MO does not have online tracking of ballot status.
How do I get an application?
The governor has given counties permission to send absentee ballots to voters by October 9. All counties opted to do this for the primary. It is assumed many will do so for the general election. Check on status here.
What's my state's status?
Vote by Mail is the default (all voters are mailed a ballot)
An application may be mailed or dropped off at the county election office.
Can I submit an application online?
Applications must be received by the county election office by noon the day before the election. If you drop off the application you will be able to pick up the absentee ballot at the same time.
What's the deadline to request an application?
November 2, 2020 by 12:00 pm.
Absentee ballots must be received by the election office or polling place by 8:00 p.m. on Election Day.
What's the deadline to submit my ballot?
Must be received by 8:00 pm on November 3, 2020 (Election Day).
What's my state's status?
Any voter can request a Vote by Mail ballot (No excuse required)
Applications must be physically signed. You can take a picture or scan your request and email it to your county election official. You can also mail or fax your application to your county election office.
Can I submit an application online?
What's the deadline to request an application?
October 23, 2020.
Absentee ballots must be received by the election office or polling place by 8:00 p.m. on Election Day.
What's the deadline to submit my ballot?
Must be received by 8:00 pm on November 3, 2020 (Election Day).
Nevada will send all active registered voters ballots for the November election because of the pandemic. “Active” voters are any voters that have not been sent a challenge letter by the Board of Civil Authority asking the voter to affirm their residency, or who have responded to any such letter and have affirmed their residence.
What's my state's status?
Vote by Mail is the default (all voters are mailed a ballot).
An application may be mailed or dropped off at the county election office.
Can I submit an application online?
An absentee ballot application must be received by your local county election official no later than 5 p.m. on the fourteenth calendar day preceding an election. However, absent ballot requests should be submitted as early as possible to allow enough time to receive, mark, and return your absent ballot by the deadline.
What's the deadline to request an application?
October 20, 2020, by 5:00 pm.
If returned by mail, absentee ballots must be postmarked by November 3rd, 2020 (Election Day). Absentee ballots that are postmarked by Election Day and received no later than 7 days after the election will be counted.
What's the deadline to submit my ballot?
In person: Received by 7:00 pm on November 3rd, 2020 (Election Day). By mail: Postmarked by November 3rd, 2020, and received within 7 days.
New Hampshire
What's my state's status?
Temporarily allowing Vote by Mail options due to the coronavirus crisis
An application may be mailed, or dropped off at the county election office.
Can I submit an application online?
Your state doesn’t have a deadline, but in order to receive and return your ballot in the mail in plenty of time, we recommend you request your ballot at least 3-4 weeks before the election.
What's the deadline to request an application?
Absentee ballots will be accepted by mail, in-person by the voter, or by delivery agent through 5:00 pm on the day before Election Day at the Clerk’s office. On Election Day the Clerk’s office will only accept absentee ballots by mail or delivery agent. Anyone returning their absentee ballot in-person on Election Day will be asked to vote in person.
What's the deadline to submit my ballot?
Must be received by town clerk by 5:00 pm on November 3rd, 2020 (Election Day).
New Jersey
The state is sending all registered voters an absentee ballot for the November election due to the pandemic.
What's my state's status?
Vote by Mail is the default (all voters are mailed a ballot.)
Applications can be mailed to or dropped off at your County Clerk’s office.
Can I submit an application online?
What's the deadline to request an application?
By mail, fax, or a guardian: 5:00 pm on October 27, 2020. By the voter themselves in person: November 2, 2020 by 5:00 pm.
Voters who fax or email their ballots in must also air mail the original ballot materials to the county board of election.
What's the deadline to submit my ballot?
In person: Must be recieved by close of polls on November 3rd, 2020 (Election Day). By mail: Postmarked by Election Day and received by County Board of Elections within 48 hours of the polls closing.
Track your ballot here or call your County Clerk.
How do I get an application?
New Mexico
What's my state's status?
Any voter can request a Vote by Mail ballot (No excuse required)
Applications for the General Election are not yet open. When applications are available, voters can request one online, by contacting your County Clerk’s Office in person, by phone, mail or email, or filling out an application and mailing or hand delivering to your Clerk’s office.
Can I submit an application online?
Voters can check the status of their application here. If you do not receive your ballot, contact your County Clerk’s office by November 2, 2020.
What's the deadline to request an application?
October 20, 2020 by 5:00 pm.
Ballots must be returned to the county clerk or voter’s precinct by 7:00 pm on Election Day to be counted.
What's the deadline to submit my ballot?
November 3rd, 2020 (Election Day) by 7:00 pm.
How do I get an application?
Use the online portal or print and fill out an application here.
New York
What's my state's status?
Temporarily allowing Vote by Mail options due to the coronavirus crisis
Applications are available in English and Spanish, and must be returned to your County Board.
Can I submit an application online?
What's the deadline to request an application?
By mail: October 27, 2020.
In person: November 2, 2020.
Military ballots must be received no later than November 16, 2020.
What's the deadline to submit my ballot?
By mail: Postmarked by November 2, 2020 and received by November 10, 2020. In person: Must be received by close of polls on Election Day.
NY does not have online tracking of ballot status.
How do I get an application?
Applications are available in English and Spanish from the Sec. of State’s website.
North Carolina
What's my state's status?
Any voter can request a Vote by Mail ballot (No excuse required)
Voters can email, fax, mail-in, or hand-deliver their applications to the voter’s county board of elections.
Can I submit an application online?
A completed absentee request form must be received by the county board of elections no later than 5:00 P.M. on the Tuesday before the election.
What's the deadline to request an application?
October 27, 2020 by 5:00 pm.
Your ballot will require a witness.
What's the deadline to submit my ballot?
In person: November 3, 2020 (Election Day). By mail: Postmarked by 5:00 pm on Election Day and received within 3 days.
North Dakota
What's my state's status?
Any voter can request a Vote by Mail ballot (No excuse required)
Your state doesn’t have a specific deadline yet, but we recommend requesting your ballot a few weeks ahead of time. The earlier the better!
What's the deadline to request an application?
No specific deadline listed yet.
What's the deadline to submit my ballot?
In-person: Received by November 2nd, 2020. By mail: Postmarked by November 2, 2020.
What's my state's status?
Any voter can request a Vote by Mail ballot (No excuse required)
Return your absentee ballot request form to your county board of elections.
Can I submit an application online?
We recommend requesting your ballot as soon as possible. The earlier the better!
What's the deadline to request an application?
October 31, 2020.
To make sure your absentee ballot is counted, it must be received by your board of elections by 7:30 p.m. on Election Day OR be postmarked by the day before Election Day.
What's the deadline to submit my ballot?
In person: Received by November 3, 2020 (Election Day) by 7:30 pm. By mail: Postmarked by November 2 and received within 10 days.
How do I get an application?
English, Spanish, and special circumstance request forms can be found here.
What's my state's status?
Any voter can request a Vote by Mail ballot (No excuse required)
Use the online voter portal. Voters can also print and mail in this form if they prefer.
Can I submit an application online?
Voters must do one of the following: Get the ballot notarized or attach a copy of your valid ID to the outside of your affidavit envelope with a staple, tape, or paperclip.
What's the deadline to request an application?
October 27, 2020 by 5:00 pm.
Some voters with proper ID can also hand-deliver their ballots no later than the end of business hours on the day before the election.
What's the deadline to submit my ballot?
Received by 7:00 pm on November 3, 2020 (Election Day).
What's my state's status?
Vote by Mail is the default (all voters are mailed a ballot)
Ballots are automatically sent to all registered voters. If your address has changed, contact your local election official at least one month before the election so you have time to receive the ballot.
Can I submit an application online?
What's the deadline to request an application?
Ballots can be mailed or dropped off at any official drop box across the state. If a voter casts their ballot after Oct. 28, the ballot should be left at a drop box site to ensure it is counted.
What's the deadline to submit my ballot?
Received by 8:00 pm on November 3, 2020 (Election Day).
What's my state's status?
Any voter can request a Vote by Mail ballot (No excuse required)
Voters can apply online for a mail or absentee ballot, or explore other application options here.
Can I submit an application online?
What's the deadline to request an application?
October 27, 2020 by 5:00 pm.
Return your ballot to your County Election Office.
What's the deadline to submit my ballot?
Received by 8:00 pm on November 3, 2020 (Election Day).
How do I get an application?
Rhode Island
What's my state's status?
Any voter can request a Vote by Mail ballot (No excuse required)
Voters must return their application to their Board of Canvassers.
Can I submit an application online?
What's the deadline to request an application?
October 13, 2020 by 4:00 pm.
Ballots can be mailed or hand delivered to your Board of Canvassers.
What's the deadline to submit my ballot?
Received by 8:00 pm on November 3, 2020 (Election Day).
South Carolina
What's my state's status?
Temporarily allowing Vote by Mail options due to the coronavirus crisis
Applications can be printed or requested from your County Office and returned in person, by mail, fax, or email to that office.
Can I submit an application online?
What's the deadline to request an application?
October 30, 2020 by 5:00 pm.
Your ballot will require a witness’s signature. You may return your ballot in person or by mail, or have another person return the ballot for you if you first complete an authorization to return absentee ballot form, available from your county voter registration office.
What's the deadline to submit my ballot?
Received by 7:00 pm on November 3, 2020 (Election Day).
How do I get an application?
Request a ballot online or from your County Office.
South Dakota
What's my state's status?
Any voter can request a Vote by Mail ballot (No excuse required)
Voters must mail their application to their County Election Official.
Can I submit an application online?
You will either need to attach a copy of a government-issued photo ID or have a notary affirm your information is correct.
What's the deadline to request an application?
November 2, 2020 by 5:00 pm. We suggest requesting your ballot as soon as possible to allow time to process.
Voted ballots must be received by your County Election Official on Election Day in enough time to deliver your ballot to your voting precinct before the polls close.
What's the deadline to submit my ballot?
Received at your precinct before polls close on November 3, 2020 (Election Day).
The new interpretation of the illness excuse would allow for people who have tested positive for COVID-19, or who believe they have been exposed to the virus. Also, the newer definition of illness allowed those with underlying medical conditions and their caretakers to apply for an absentee ballot.
What's my state's status?
Voters need an “excuse” to request Vote by Mail ballot (“excuse required”).
Voters can mail, fax, or email their application to their county election commission. See if you qualify.
Can I submit an application online?
What's the deadline to request an application?
October 27, 2020.
Voters must mail ballots in time for your county election commission to receive it no later than the close of polls on Election Day.
What's the deadline to submit my ballot?
Received by close of polls on November 3, 2020 (Election Day).
What's my state's status?
Voters need an “excuse” to request Vote by Mail ballot (“excuse required”)
Applications can be returned to the Early Voting Clerk via mail, fax, or a scanned and emailed copy. If you fax or email it, the original, hard copy of the application MUST be mailed and received by the early voting clerk no later than the 4th business day.
Can I submit an application online?
If you’re mailing in your application, be sure to do so with plenty of time for it to arrive at your early voting clerk’s office before the deadline. Applications must be received by close of business or 12 noon, whichever is later.
What's the deadline to request an application?
Received by October 23, 2020.
Ballots must be returned by Election Day at 7:00 pm if the carrier envelope is not postmarked, OR, if postmarked by 7:00 pm at the location of the election on Election Day, received by November 4, 2020 at 5:00 pm. Some voters, such as military or overseas, may have more time to submit their ballot; see question 5.
What's the deadline to submit my ballot?
Postmarked by 7:00 pm on November 3, 2020 (Election Day) and received by 5:00 pm November 4, 2020.
TX does not have online tracking of ballot status.
How do I get an application?
What's my state's status?
Vote by Mail is the default (all voters are mailed a ballot)
All voters are automatically mailed a ballot. You can update your address information here. We recommend ensuring your address is up to date at least one month ahead of time.
Can I submit an application online?
All voters are automatically mailed a ballot. You can update your address information here. We recommend ensuring your address is up to date at least one month ahead of time.
What's the deadline to request an application?
What's the deadline to submit my ballot?
Postmarked by November 2, 2020. Returned at a drop box: 8:00 pm on November 3, 2020 (Election Day).
Vermont is sending ballots to all active registered voters because of the pandemic.
What's my state's status?
Vote by Mail is the default (all voters are mailed a ballot).
All active voters will be mailed a ballot for the General Election. Check that your address is up to date here to ensure you receive your ballot. We recommend mailing your application back as soon as possible—the earlier the better!
Can I submit an application online?
All early voter absentee ballot requests must be submitted by 5 p.m. or by the close of the town clerk’s office on the day before the election.
What's the deadline to request an application?
All ballots must be returned to the town clerk’s office before the close of the office on the day before the election, or to the polling place before 7 pm on the day of the election, in order to be counted.
What's the deadline to submit my ballot?
Received by your town clerk’s office by close of business November 2, 2020, or at your polling place by 7:00 on November 3, 2020 (Election Day).
What's my state's status?
Any voter can request a Vote by Mail ballot (No excuse required)
Voters can request their absentee ballots online, or fill and return a form to their local voter registration office. Some first-time voters are ineligble for mail voting without meeting certain qualifications.
Can I submit an application online?
While the witness requirement for mail ballots was waived for the primary, it’s unclear if it will be waived for the general. We will update this as more information becomes available, but your ballot may require a witness. Your state’s USPS delivery standards changed last year so that First Class delivery went from 1-3 days to 2-5 days and Standard delivery is now 2-9 days. Be sure to mail your ballot back in plenty of time.
What's the deadline to request an application?
Via online, fax, or mail: October 23, 2020 by 5 pm. In person: October 31, 2020.
Virginia will not enforcement the witness requirement for the November election. Your state’s USPS delivery standards changed last year so that First Class delivery went from 1-3 days to 2-5 days and Standard delivery is now 2-9 days. Be sure to mail your ballot back in plenty of time.
What's the deadline to submit my ballot?
Postmarked by 7:00 pm on November 3, 2020 (Election Day) and received by November 6, 2020 at noon.