MinnesotaRestore the Vote
Campaign Status: Victory!
Minnesota state lawmakers approved this bill and the governor signed it into law in March 2023. The law will go into effect on July 1, 2023 and allow as many as 55,000 formerly incarcerated felons to vote from that day forward.
The Policy
Bill #HF28/SF26 – Any person who is deemed ineligible to vote due to a felony conviction will have their voting rights restored.
Minnesota currently does not allow formerly incarcerated individuals the ability to vote if they are within their probationary period. Sentences range from two years minimum to six years maximum. If passed, this bill would restore the right to vote to 55,000+ Minnesotans.
While this bill is part of the Democracy for the People Act package, it’s moving on its own and highly likely to pass.
Who’s Involved?
RepresentUs is working with We Choose Us and Restore the Vote to pass this bill.
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The Latest On This Campaign

Minnesota governor signs bill expanding voting rights for ex-felons
Mar 3 2023
The law will go into effect on July 1 and allow as many as 55,000 formerly incarcerated felons to vote from that day forward.
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Minnesota Senate approves restoring voting rights for felons
Feb 21 2023
The Senate approved the “Restore the Vote” bill less than a week after the Minnesota Supreme Court upheld the state’s current restrictions and left it up to the Legislature to change them.
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House passes bill to restore voting rights to people released from prison
Feb 2 2023
The Minnesota House passed a bill to restore voting rights to people still on parole or probation. The bill heads to the state Senate for a vote.
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