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Click here to watch the new short film.

We recently premiered a 3-minute short film at Amnesty International’s landmark “Bringing Human Rights Home” mega-concert. Not only was getting the anti-corruption message out at such a big event a huge moment for our movement, but it gave our team a chance to talk to everyday New Yorkers about why this fight matters to them.

We’d love to know what you think too! Join the discussion on Facebook or in the comments below. Here are a few more things you can do to help:

  • SIGN the petition. Click “Add My Name” to join over 430,000 Americans in support of the American Anti-Corruption Act, a proposal that would overhaul campaign finance, lobbying, and ethics laws.
  • SHARE this page on Facebook, Twitter, Email… everywhere. Help build a movement big enough to hold politicians accountable.
  • LEARN the details of the American Anti-Corruption Act, as well as our plan to get it passed.
  • VOLUNTEER across America. We’re organizing district-by-district because real political power comes from real people on the ground. Click here to join us.