Introducing the Short Film
Americans agree: our criminal justice system is broken. But most people don’t realize how lobbyists and politicians are keeping it that way. In just 8 minutes, Justice For Sale explains how our broken political system is making the problem worse, and what the anti-corruption movement can do to fix it.
Corruption Stops Us From
Fixing Our Broken Criminal
Justice System

America Incarcerates More People Than Any Other Country in the World.
Both per capita and in total numbers, the U.S. jails more people than China, Russia, or any other nation — and this falls disproportionately on black Americans and other people of color. While crime rates around the country have dropped, incarceration rates are only going up. If we do nothing, one in four black men, one in six Latinos, and one in seventeen white men born today will end up in jail.
Private Prisons Profit From Locking People up — and You’re Paying for It
Private prison corporations spent $64 million over the past 10 years lobbying for longer sentences, stricter laws, and tougher enforcement. They even write the laws that give them tax kickbacks in exchange for outsourcing nearly-free prison labor. This year alone, they’ll make $6 billion in revenue. That’s $6 billion of your tax dollars.

91% of Americans Want to See the System Fixed… but Politicians Aren’t Listening to the People
Conservatives, progressives, and moderates alike want to see the criminal justice system reformed. But like nearly every other issue you care about, our corrupt political system caters to a handful of special interests and billionaires instead of upholding the will of the American people.
It’s Time to Put Power Back in the
Hands of the American People.
We Won’t Fix the Criminal Justice
System Until We End Corruption.

We Need To Make Corruption Illegal.
We need to ban gifts from special interests to politicians, close the revolving door between Congress and lobbying firms, and make sure voters have a stronger voice so politicians actually represent us. Anti-corruption is popular with both conservatives and progressives because it’s not about giving power to one party or the other; it’s about fixing the systems behind America’s biggest problems.
We Have to Go Around Congress to Pass These Laws.
Politicians benefit from the system just the way it is, so they have no incentive to pass anti-corruption laws. That means it’s up to us, the voters, to do it. Throughout American history, major federal reforms started with passing laws state by state, paving the way for federal reform. We’re using the same proven strategy – and it’s working. The anti-corruption movement has already won more than 100 victories across the America.

Campaigns Around the Country Need Your Help.
From anti-gerrymandering to ranked choice voting and lobbyist gift bans, Americans across the political spectrum are working together right now to pass strong anti-corruption laws at the ballot this year. But they can’t do it alone. To win, they rely on volunteers and donations from people like you. You can help by taking action to support campaigns, or becoming a member of the Common Wealth with a monthly donation of any amount.