Phase 4.2: Community Endorsements
Phase 4.2: Community Endorsements
It’s time to celebrate your community endorsement successes! Show your appreciation to your endorsers by taking an interest in the groups that signed on and take advantage of these new audiences. This is your opportunity to rally up support within these community groups, now that their leaders are on board. The initiative doesn’t stop with just the paper endorsement! Getting involved in these groups will continue to encourage leaders to utilize their influence to forward this cause.
Here are your community endorsement goals for Phase 4:
- Send thank-you notes with RepresentUs stickers to businesses that endorsed
- Book speaking engagements in front of congregations whose leaders endorsed. (The speaker should ideally be a RepresentUs Chapter member who was recruited from that congregation).
- Book speaking engagements in front of community groups whose leaders endorsed. (The speaker should ideally be a RepresentUs Chapter member who was recruited from that group).