Phase 3.3: Media

Phase 3.3: Social and Earned Media

Your RepresentUs Chapter will now have some news to announce: all of the endorsements collected by your team! With an overarching goal of 10 media hits in mind (5 opinion, 5 press release/reporter pieces) you can leverage the press to cover the small business and faith leaders’ endorsements of the anti-corruption standard. It’s a story of a movement taking shape in the community, sparked by concerned citizens taking a stand against a serious national issue affecting every American.

Be sure to keep reaching out to local media outlets: TV, radio, and newspaper, to call attention to your group and maintain constant pressure on elected officials. You and your team need to continue to maintain a presence in the media and online so folks can stay excited and informed by your efforts. The combination of media from local news, online outreach, and flyers around town will keep community members in the know.

Here are your media goals for Phase 3:

  • Local media coverage of small business and faith leaders’ endorsements
  • Regular updates and Facebook event promotion
  • Continue to print handouts/flyers for events
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