Is your state voting on
democracy reform ballot measures
in the 2024 election?

Presidential elections matter, but they won’t fix our broken political system. Real change happens by passing laws city by city, state by state—and we urgently need your help. Take action NOW!

  • pro-democracy ballot measure
  • anti-democracy ballot measure

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Ballot Measure

Policy Goal

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Learn more about the ballot measure here.

Connect with Alaskans for Better Elections, the campaign leading the fight against this measure.

Ballot Measure

Ballot Measure 2 – 22AKHE

Repeals Alaska’s Final Four Voting system that has been in place in Alaska since 2022. The system was implemented after Alaska voters approved Measure 2 in 2020. Learn more.

Policy Goal

Repeals Ranked Choice Voting (Final Four Voting)

Alaska’s Final Four Voting system was first used in 2022 and has proven wildly popular with the state’s voters. 85% of voters said the new system was easy to use and more than half support the new system. Repealing the system would be an unpopular move and a step backwards in the state’s democracy.

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RepresentUs is actively working on this campaign and we need your help.

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Learn more about the ballot measure here.

Connect with Make Elections Fair Arizona, the campaign leading the fight to pass this measure.

Ballot Measure

Proposition 140

The state constitutional amendment would let Arizona voters participate in primaries regardless of their party affiliation.

Policy Goal

Establishes Open Primaries

Independent voters are the largest group of voters in the state of Arizona. The establishment of open primaries would empower these voters and give them more of a say in elections.

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RepresentUs is actively working on this campaign and we need your help.

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Learn more about the ballot measure here.

Ballot Measure

Proposition 134

Would make signature collection more difficult by requiring 5% of the vote total for each legislative district as well as overall collection totals. The measure has been legislatively referred to the ballot.

Policy Goal

Attacks Direct Democracy

When politicians fail to act, the citizen’s ballot initiative allows citizens to make progress on the issues they care most about. It’s one of the purest forms of democracy we have, and by making it more difficult to collect signatures to get an issue on the ballot, politicians will take power away from the people.

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Learn more about the ballot measure here.

Ballot Measure

Proposition 133

Would lock in Arizona’s existing primary system, which uses semi-closed primaries and picks winners based on a plurality of the vote. The measure has been legislatively referred to the ballot.

Policy Goal

Prevents reform to AZ’s primary system

Independent voters are the largest group of voters in the state of Arizona. By locking in the current primary system, 1.3 million AZ voters will be unable to make their voices heard in the primary system.

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Learn more about the ballot measure here.

Ballot Measure

Proposition 136

Would allow any entity including a private citizen to bring a constitutional challenge to a proposed ballot initiative before it’s even brought to the ballot. The measure has been legislatively referred to the ballot.

Policy Goal

Attacks Direct Democracy

When politicians fail to act, the citizen’s ballot initiative allows citizens to make progress on the issues they care most about. It’s one of the purest forms of democracy we have. By allowing preemptive constitutional challenges to a proposed ballot initiative, Arizona would open the door for special interest groups, corporations, and the wealthy few to reduce the power of Arizona voters.

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Learn more about the ballot measure here.

Connect with Fair Rep LA, the campaign leading the fight to pass this measure.

Ballot Measure

City of Los Angeles – (Measure 1)

Establishes an Independent Redistricting Commission that would ensure the districts for Los Angeles City Council elections are drawn fairly. Learn more.

Policy Goal


In 2022, leaked audio revealed members of city council making racist and derogatory remarks about city residents and plotting to draw voting maps to favor themselves.

After Angelenos demanded action, the Los Angeles City Council unanimously approved a proposal for maps to be drawn by an independent redistricting commission which citizens will vote on in 2024.

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RepresentUs is actively working on this campaign and we need your help.

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Learn more about the ballot measure here.

Connect with Colorado Voters First, the campaign leading the fight to pass this measure.

Ballot Measure

Proposition 131

Final Four Voting – a nonpartisan, all-candidate primary where the top four vote-getters advance + ranked choice voting in the general election. Learn more.

Policy Goal

Establishes Top Four Nonpartisan Primaries + Ranked Choice Voting (Final Four Voting)

Momentum around election reform has been growing in this state for many years, with four cities (Boulder, Broomfield, Basalt, and Carbondale) already using ranked choice voting. Many of the Centennial state’s legislative and congressional races are decided in the primary; Final Four Voting would give voters more choice, especially in districts dominated by a single party.

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RepresentUs is actively working on this campaign and we need your help.

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Learn more about the ballot measure here.

Ballot Measure

Constitutional Amendment Question 1

Directs the Connecticut General Assembly to establish policies and procedures for no-excuse absentee voting.

Policy Goal

No-excuse Absentee Voting

Absentee voting gives voters the option to vote securely and on their own schedules – without the stress of finding childcare or taking time off work.

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Learn more about the ballot measure here.

Ballot Measure

Amendment 6

Eliminates the option for candidates for some statewide offices (governor and elected cabinet members such as attorney general, chief financial officer, and commissioner of agriculture) to receive public campaign financing if they agree to campaign spending limits. Florida is currently the only state that includes a public campaign financing program in its state constitution.

Policy Goal

Repeals Public Financing for Statewide Campaigns

Public financing of campaigns is a way to combat the influence of corporations, special interests, and the wealthy few. By repealing this as an option for candidates, Florida could drown out the voices of voters.

Good for Voters?

RepresentUs is actively working on this campaign and we need your help.

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Learn more about the ballot measure here.

Connect with Idahoans for Open Primaries, the campaign leading the fight to pass this measure.

Ballot Measure

Question 1

Ends Idaho’s closed primary system and creates a non-partisan primary election, open to all voters regardless of party affiliation. The top four candidates advance to the general election. In the general election, voters pick their top candidate and rank additional candidates in order of preference. Learn more.

Policy Goal

Establishes Open Primaries + Ranked Choice Voting (Final Four Voting)

Thanks to Idaho’s existing closed primary system, 270,000 independent voters have been excluded from primary elections in their state. This initiative seeks to end that by 1) creating a non-partisan primary open to all voters, where 2) the top four vote-getters advance to a general election where voters will rank the candidates in order of preference.

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RepresentUs is actively working on this campaign and we need your help.

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Ballot Measure

Question 2

Instructs state officials to establish civil penalties if a candidate interferes or attempts to interfere with an election worker’s official duties. The measure is nonbinding and only advises the legislature on public opinion around this policy.

Policy Goal

Defense Against Election interference

America’s election security depends on nonpartisan election administration. This is why it’s crucial to build public confidence in our election process, facilitate peaceful transfers of power, and prevent political actors from changing rules and undermining our systems for their own gain.

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Learn more about the ballot measure here.

Ballot Measure

Question 1

Limits contributions to political action committees making independent expenditures (also known as Super PACs) to $5,000 annually. The limit would apply to individuals, business entities, and other political action committees.

Policy Goal

Campaign Finance Reform

Super PACs can raise and spend unlimited amounts of money on elections and allow corporations, special interests, and the wealthy few to have outsized influence on elections.

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Learn more about the ballot measure here.

Ballot Measure

Amendment 7

Prohibits ranked-choice voting except in some nonpartisan municipal elections. Provides that only U.S. citizens are eligible to vote. Requires primary elections to be plurality elections, meaning the candidate with the most votes becomes their party’s candidate in the general election regardless of whether they receive a majority of votes.

Policy Goal

Ranked Choice Voting Ban

Ranked Choice Voting has been shown to help fix political gridlock, ensure elected representatives earn the support of a majority of voters in their districts, and turn campaigns into more positive affairs in many cities and states across the country, but despite the success of this reform, politicians in Missouri are attempting to ban it.

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Learn more about the ballot measure here.

Ballot Measure

Measure 126

Policy Goal

Top Four Open Primaries

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RepresentUs is actively working on this campaign and we need your help.

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Learn more about the ballot measure here.

Connect with Yes on 3 NV, the campaign leading the fight to pass this measure.

Ballot Measure

Question 3

Final-five voting (open primaries + ranked choice voting in the general election) for congressional, gubernatorial, state executive official, and state legislative elections. Learn more.

Policy Goal

Establishes Open Primaries + Ranked Choice Voting (Final Five Voting)

The only voters who can currently participate in Nevada’s primary elections are those registered as Republican or Democrat even though nearly 30% of Nevada voters are officially registered as “non-partisan.” This change will allow nonpartisan- and third-party-registered voters to participate and have their voices heard, and it will incentivize candidates to appeal to the widest range of voters, replacing the existing incentive structure for candidates to appeal to the most extreme minorities of their party’s base.

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RepresentUs is actively working on this campaign and we need your help.

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North Dakota

Learn more about the ballot measure here.

Ballot Measure

Measure 2

Requires proposed constitutional initiatives to appear on the ballot and be approved at both the primary and general elections to become effective. Establishes a single-subject rule for initiatives, requiring ballot measures to be about a single issue or general subject area. Increases the amount of signatures required for a constitutional amendment initiative to qualify for the ballot from 4% of the resident population to 5% of the resident population.

Policy Goal

Attacks Direct Democracy

When politicians fail to act, the citizen’s ballot initiative allows citizens to make progress on the issues they care most about. It’s one of the purest forms of democracy we have. By adding restrictions to the process, North Dakota would make it harder for citizens to have their voices heard.

Good for Voters?

RepresentUs is actively working on this campaign and we need your help.

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Learn more about the ballot measure here.

Connect with Citizens Not Politicians, the campaign leading the fight to pass this measure.

Ballot Measure

Question 1

Establishes an independent redistricting commission, prohibits former politicians, party officials, and lobbyists from sitting on said commission, prohibits the creation of voting districts that favor any political party or individual, and mandates an open and transparent process. Learn more.

Policy Goal


Currently in Ohio, lawmakers get to draw their own voting districts, pick their voters and protect their incumbents. After the last census, the Ohio Supreme Court had to reject not one, not two, but five sets of unconstitutionally gerrymandered maps in what Chief Justice Maureen O’Connor called “a stunning rebuke of the rule of law”. The people of Ohio deserve better, and now they’re demanding it with the Citizens Not Politicians Amendment.

Good for Voters?

RepresentUs is actively working on this campaign and we need your help.

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Learn more about the ballot measure here.

Connect with Oregon RCV, the campaign leading the fight to pass this measure.

Ballot Measure

Measure 117

Establishes ranked choice voting as voting method for selecting winner of nomination for and election to offices of President of United States, United States Senator, Representative in Congress, Governor, Secretary of State, State Treasurer and Attorney General. Authorizes cities, counties, metropolitan service districts, school districts and local government and local service districts to elect to use ranked choice voting to nominate or elect candidates for relevant offices. Learn more.

Policy Goal

Establishes Ranked Choice Voting

RCV first made its way to Oregon in 2016 when Benton County adopted it for use in the 2020 municipal election. Since then, key RCV victories in 2022 in Portland and Multnomah County have built real momentum to pass a statewide RCV bill.

Good for Voters?

RepresentUs is actively working on this campaign and we need your help.

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South Dakota

Learn more about the ballot measure here.

Ballot Measure

Amendment H

Requires primary elections to be open to all candidates and all qualified voters regardless of party affiliation. The two candidates who receive the highest number of votes in the primary will advance to the general election.

Policy Goal

Establishes a Top-Two Nonpartisan Primary

This change will allow nonpartisan- and third-party-registered voters to participate and have their voices heard, and it will incentivize candidates to appeal to the widest range of voters. 55% of South Dakotans favor the changes to elections described by Amendment H.

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RepresentUs is actively working on this campaign and we need your help.

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formerly SJR 104, learn more about the litigation here

Ballot Measure

Amendment D – removed from the ballot by the Utah Supreme Court, will appear on ballots but will not count

This proposed ballot measure would amend Utah’s constitution to give politicians greater power over the citizen’s ballot initiative process, allowing them to overrule the will of voters.

Policy Goal

Attacks Direct Democracy

The citizen’s ballot initiative process is a cornerstone of American democracy that allows citizens to take action on important issues when their elected officials fail to act. If this ballot measure is approved in November, it would give lawmakers the ability to rewrite previously voter-approved ballot measures or repeal them entirely.

Good for Voters?

RepresentUs is actively working on this campaign and we need your help.

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Washington, D.C.

Learn more about the ballot measure here.

Connect with Make All Votes Count DC, the campaign leading the fight to pass this measure.

Ballot Measure

Initiative 83

Creates a semi-open primary system allowing voters who are unaffiliated with a political party to vote in a party primary election. Establishes ranked-choice voting for elections in Washington, D.C., beginning in 2026. Learn more.

Policy Goal

Establishes Ranked Choice Voting & Semi-Open Primaries

This initiative would transform DC elections and enfranchise the 1 in 6 independent voters who currently cannot participate in taxpayer-funded party primaries.

Good for Voters?

RepresentUs is actively working on this campaign and we need your help.

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URGENT: Help us reach 2 million+ voters before the election

Many voters don’t know about these crucial ballot measures which is why we need your help to reach 2 million+ voters before this year’s election. You can volunteer from the comfort of your home, no matter where you live.
